Wednesday 2 September 2015

BILL GATES took few years to propose and probably will implement plan for DROUGHT/FLOOD victims in INDIA while 67Yrs is TOO LITTLE TIME for any ruling Govt in India to create a DROUGHT/FLOOD PREVENTION MECHANISM, LEAVE ASIDE imposing QPA on HIGHEST CHAIRS OF INDIA WHO ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE TO CREATE THOUSANDS OF “masalgaon” VILLAGES ACROSS RURAL INDIA!!!

This BLOG is dedicated to 3 GREAT PERSONALITY, one from USA and two from Mother-India:
First, it is a TRIBUTE to BILL GATES article for Poor Indian Farmers dying everyday either for DROUGHT or for FLOOD, while our DESHBHAKT NETAs are busy in a DEBATE whether AAM AADMI should EAT MEAT or GHASPOOS (Green Vegetables) during festivals, IGNORING THE VERY FACT that poor farmers are dying not for MEAT but for shortage of basic eatables like RICE, DAL, POTATO, ONION and above all drinkable WATER!!! 
Who will suffer most from climate change?:

Second, a big round of applause for our DESHBHAKT NETAS proudly increase their own salary by 100%, a privilege exclusively OWNED BY ONE and ONLY PROFESSION (without any periodical PERFORMANCE AUDIT) in INDIA, that is "NETAGIRI" having FULL 5Yrs AZADI of enjoying FREE amenities right from LAUNDRY to CAAAR : Be GRATEFUL to our MLA/MP/Ministers as they are kind enough to restrict their SALARY HIKE to 100%:
What a great SACRIFICE done by OUR POORLY PAID MLA/MP/Ministers CLAIMING ONLY 100% (instead of 500%, so KIND of them for doing such great favor of saving 400% for the nation) SALARY HIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :   

Third, a big round of applause for our GREAT MEDIA HONCHOs for their Non-Stop coverage of SHEENA murder as DECEASED SHEENA ALONE can generate maximum TRP as compared to peanut TRP that will generate out of the news of hundreds of POOR FARMERS dying in DROUGHT or FLOOD, so naturally these Media Honchos will cover SHEENA murder, ignoring death of hundreds of Poor Farmers and above all proudly compete with each other as to who is FIRST on Media Channel to UNEARTH INDRANI's 1st or 2nd or 3rd.....HUBBY; who cares if poor farmers die out of DROUGHT or FLOOD  as their death does not GENERATE TRP for these TRP-hungry Media Honchos !!!
In eight months this year, 694 farmers have ended their lives:

So what’s the MORAL OF THE STORY, below blog tells all:

READ BLOG: 67Yrs is TOO LITTLE TIME for any ruling Govt in INDIA to create a DROUGHT/FLOOD PREVENTION MECHANISM and neither any DESHBHAKT NETA NOR any MEDIA HONCHOs ever thought of raising this topic in their every evening FLIPKART DEBATE SHOW, while BILL GATES took few years to propose and probably will implement plan for DROUGHT/FLOOD victims in INDIA:

Following BLOGs are an EYE-OPENER and entirely dedicated to demand imposing QPA and CANNING in any governance model:

British thrown out of India but left behind “DIVIDE & RULE” policy which all parties religiously followed:     

So Have GUTS! Impose QPA ON HIGHEST CHAIRS OF INDIA under the umbrella of Digital India:           

If IIT- Roorkee expelled 73 NPAs for Non- performance on VERY first-year of the B Tech:

Why none of us in IT will give up SUBSIDY in COOKING GAS:    

Why not publish LIST OF MLA/MP/MINISTERS who have given up GAS SUBSIDY:


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