Friday 1 August 2014

It’s a SHAME THAT 66 Yrs old ROTTEN GOVERNANCE system, running without QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Highest Chairs of India, has also ruined the SANCTITY of “COLLEGIUM” that was regarded as PUREST FORM OF DISCIPLINE being practiced by Hon’ble Judiciary in India!!!

Last night (1st Aug’2014) Newshour, Quote of Mdm Shobha De: “FIRST PERFORM THEN CLAIM ALL PRIVILEGES”; AT LEAST SHE UTTERED THE WORD “PERFORM” whereas the Media Honchos are so busy generating “TRP” for their channel that they forgot Moral Of The Story which is every profession in India is evaluated by “PERFORMANCE” including “Media Anchor” excepting “NETAGIRI” that include MLA/MP/MINISTERS!!!

How could the Nation (AAM AADMI) know whether their elected NETAs PERFORMANCE MEETING REQUIRED STANDARD OR NOT without their so called 24/7 dedicated performance being audited periodically, BE IT QLY or HLY or YLY, BUT CERTAINLY NOT 5YLY AS BEING DONE EVER SINCE INDEPENDENCE!!!!

If our rotten GOVERNANCE SYSTEM allow POST-ELECTION 5 Yrs AZADI to these Hon’ble MLA/MP/MINISTERS to do whatever they want (right from Force-Feeding to claiming VVIP treatment to Nagin Dance to justifying act of Rape criminals) ; does it make any sense calling these NETAs every evening and run an ENDLESS DEBATE without uttering a single word on how important it is to impose QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Highest Chairs of India!!!

Surely such ENDLESS DEBATE which is nothing but shameless FLIPKART journalism practiced by these GREAT TRP-Hungry Media Honchos will generate TRP but never be able to stop this 66Yrs old continuous LOOT which is a GIFT from we AAM AADMI who appoint a bunch of NETAs to sit on on Highest Chairs of India without any QPA on them; hence they have every right to treat we AAM AADMI as slaves, expected to greet these NETAS with folded hands and bowing head like medieval age old practice of RAJA and PRAJA!!!

It’s a SHAME THAT 66 Yrs old ROTTEN GOVERNANCE system without QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) has also ruined the SANCTITY of “COLLEGIUM” that was regarded as PUREST FORM OF DISCIPLINE being practiced by Hon’ble Judiciary; still any doubt left in the mindset of these Great Media Honchos as to why QPA is the only missing tool, specifically when the ROTTEN GOVERNANCE governed by under-trial criminals in LS/RS/VS has not only ruined the SANCTITY of the LOKSHABHA, it has not spared even the SANCTITY of “COLLEGIUM”!!!


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