Monday 3 February 2014

How does it matter whether Cong or BJP or AAP or for that matter any damn party come to power after 2014 election using coalition politics (rather call it coalition blackmail) as We, AAM AADMI are going to GIFT the new formed Govt. yet another FULL and FREE ACCESS to country’s LEFT-OPEN (ever since Independence) TIJORI, without creating any provision to LOCK it even after 66Yrs which could have been done easily by imposing QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Highest Chairs of India and CANNING for Rape/Acid attack/Bomb Blast/Communal Riot Criminals!!!!!

Jago AAM AADMI jago!!!

Yes, in our personal life, we ensure that our own TIJORI (be it at home or in bank) is always locked, but when it comes to country’s TIJORI, we AAM AADMI GIFT country’s LEFT-OPEN (ever since Independence) TIJORI to these coalition Govt born out of coalition politics (rather call it DIRTY coalition blackmail) without making any effort to LOCK it even after 66Yrs, 
IGNORING the very fact that there are still “n” number of LALLUs waiting eagerly to enter LS/RS/VS to GLORIFY the SANCTITY of our Governance system with their 66Yrs old expertise to LOOT AAM AADMI’s wealth and criminal background as exposed by ADR : LIST OF NATION’s PRIDE 1460 more LALLUs and their parties GLORIFYING the SANCTITY of HIGHEST CHAIRS IN LS/RS/VS :!topic/national-election-watch/fJrs_VoRbLw!!!

What is common in all these parties when they come to power, they fail (or rather refuse) to impose QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Highest Chairs of India (leave aside CANNING for Rape/Acid attack/Bomb Blast/Communal Riot Criminals which is a distant dream), simply because everybody want FULL and FREE ACCESS to country’s LEFT-OPEN (ever since Independence) TIJORI for 66Yrs old LOOT to continue!!!

If they have GUTS, they could have agreed to REVEAL source of their FREE INFLOW of fund into their pocket as exposed by ADR : UNKNOWN & KNOWN sources of Funding of Political Parties (75% Income of 6 National Parties between 2004-2012 from unknown sources) :!topic/national-election-watch/9-BTrUugayU!!!

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