Friday 1 February 2013

Why blame HONOURABLE Individuals like Anil Vastavde – Madhu Koda for LOOT and blame Joginder Singh of CBI for Inaction…

Before blaming HONOURABLE Individuals like Anil Vastavde – Madhu Koda - Joginder Singh, Let me go into DEEP INTROSPECTION as to what I would have done if I stepped into the same SHOES as theirs :

If I was in place of Madhu Koda- Anil Bastavade, I would have committed same LOOT (probably in higher degree as they are KIND ENOUGH to consider AAM AADMI and LOOT only 4000 Crores!!!) as I am neither GOD nor Kalyug’s Gandhi Bapu to RESIST TEMPTATION when I SEE COUNTRY’s TIJORI LEFT WIDE OPEN with 4000 CRORES awaiting to be LOOTED, if in remotest possibility I could have resisted, then someone else would have LOOTED, leaving me SUCKING MY THUMB- BETTER I LOOT!!!!!!!

If I was in place of Joginder Singh, I would have given the same SILLY / IRRESPONSIBLE excuses like short of Manpower to probe-have no access to Jakarta etc. simply because I cannot sacrifice my CAREER / PROMOTION just for the sake of nation getting LOOTED and what’s new about it ???
Since last 65 YEARS Highest Chairs of India had AWARINGLY denied to impose QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on their very own activity, leave aside making CBI autonomous, then why myself being Chief of CBI risk my CAREER!!!
Now after above introspection, my appeal to the NATION and its Learned MEDIA :
Why always we target HONOURABLE Individuals like Anil Vastavde – Madhu Koda for LOOTING country’s asset when our GOVERNANCE SYSYTEM (since INDEPENDENCE) allow left open LOOP-HOLEs exist for LOOT to happen and take action only if MEDIA EXPOSE it ELSE Keep eyes closed and pretend to be UNAWARE of the LOOT ???
Why always we target DUTIFUL HONOURABLE Individuals like Joginder Singh of CBI for his INACTION when our GOVERNANCE SYSTEM (since INDEPENDENCE) does not allow him or his organization to ACT INDEPENDENTLY??? Simply because neither Joginder Singh nor any Tom-Dick-Harry under Govt Control will ever investigate such SCAM and risk his job profile that involve his career/promotion which are in the hands of the same Govt controlling such investigating agencies like CBI / CAG.
Above situation can be compared with following SCENARIO or I should call it a NAUTANKI :
A Bank Manager leave his VAULT open for LOOT to happen because there is a LOCAL PS next door (who can catch the thief if any LOOT happen) and seeing the vault open when MYSELF (can’nt comment about you as you may control your GREED but I can’nt) cannot resist my temptation and LOOT the VAULT and escape happily to INDONESIA swimming in a POOL, WHOLE NATION INCLUDING MEDIA POINT FINGER to MYSELF for LOOTING and the next door Officer-in-charge of LOCAL PS for allowing me to escape, THE MOCKERY/BIGGEST JOKE IS NOBODY INCLUDING MEDIA EVER BLAME BRANCH MANAGER FOR LEAVING HIS VAULT OPEN for LOOT to happen!!!

IS 65 YRS NOT ENOUGH FOR STOPPING SUCH MOCKERY/JOKE OF THE NATION and that too our Learned Media too chase me till INDONESIAN SWIMMING POOL , rather than exposing the MOCKERY/JOKE which can easily be averted by imposing QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Highest Chairs of India (right from MLA/MP/MINISTERS to Bureaucrats).

NEEDLESS to mention that in above NAUTANKI, MYSELF played the role of Anil Vastavde, LOCAL PS next door is none other than Joginder Singh and Bank Manager is none other than Our Hon’ble GOVT. of India.

This Incident further strengthen DEMAND for ONE SOLUTION to THOUSAND LOOTS (since INDEPENDENCE) which is imposing QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Bureaucrats to Highest Chairs of India (MLA/MP/MINISTERS). QPA will enable any Govt. to reach the root of every scam (provided Govt is willing to reach there) at its very inception much before MEDIA reaches there.

In all my earlier blogs, the ROOT CAUSE were analyzed and I repeat here in snapshot once again.
It is our 65 yrs old CORRUPT GOVERNANCE SYSTEM that keep country’s Tijori left wide open for LOOT to happen – the simple fact that No Govt since Independence had ever shown any interest to impose QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Highest Chairs of India (right from MLA/MP/MINISTERS to Bureaucrats) itself prove that all parties are very much interested in keeping this LOOP-HOLE open so that as and when they come to POWER they can continue LOOTING country’s ASSET in the same manner as the earlier ruling Govt had done.
MORAL OF THE STORY : Still remain same as the heading of this blog – QLY Performance Audit : Missing Tool in Indian Governance for allowing Loot to happen!!!!!!

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