Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Why go to SWISS BANK for bringing back the BLACK MONEY when the easiest way is to declare the magnum opus election donation amount received by all Political Parties?

Yes, charity begins at home.

2014 LS Election:
BJP spent over Rs. 700 crores. In comparison to Congress' 486.21 crore expenditure, BJP spent Rs 460 crore in publicity with total spending going up to Rs 712 crore: https://www.indiatvnews.com/politics/national/bjp-spent-over-700-crores-during-lok-sabha-elections-claims-adr-26996.html

Every third MP in 16th Lok Sabha 2014 has criminal charges; They found that 34 per cent of the winning candidates are faced with criminal charges. It was 30 per cent in 2009 and 24 per cent in 2004. : ADR: https://adrindia.org/media/adr-in-news/every-third-mp-16th-lok-sabha-has-criminal-charges-adr

If at all these Parties are true to their commitment, they should reveal the donation list which itself will prove how much SWISS BANK lost to Indian election simply because if there was no election in India then these black money would have found its way to SWISS BANK.

As usual these are big talks that are allowed by AAM AADMI in absence of QPA and CANNING!!!

< What’s common in the MANIFESTO of all parties for LOOT to continue: http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2014/04/whats-common-in-manifesto-of-all.html>

<AMAZING UNITY AND SOLIDARITY shown by all political parties ON ONE ISSUE: http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2013/07/issue-is-not-whether-aam-aadmi-can-have.html>

Monday, 14 April 2014

In the perspective of a crying Injured JAWAN pleading for medical help on National Television after Maoist Blast, Does the NATION have right to know using RTI whether SANCTIONED COMPENSATION is FULLY/PARTIALLY/ NOT given AT ALL to surviving family members of the JAWANS?????? Here is what our MOD thinks if AAM AADMI want to access historic data (related to SANCTIONED COMPENSATION to Security forces)!!!

Yes, its true! An RTI application (vide Regn No : MHOME/R/2013/61553 dt 28-10-2013)  was filed by a RTI activist celebrating the RTI Day on 25-10-2013.

1.     Here are the Particulars of Information sought from RTI :
Starting from KARGIL WAR till date, please provide number of CASUALTIES (during fighting with external enemy like Pakistan Army or terror strikes by Militants and internal insurgency like Maoist attack) and compensation paid (be it fully/partially or not at all) in all categories such as Army, BSF, CRPF as under in following sample format :

1.1  What are the number of Death occurred in all categories such as Army, BSF, CRPF?
1.2   What are the number of physically DIS-ABLED security personnel (who got injured during action) in all categories such as Army, BSF, CRPF?
1.3   What are the number of cases where SANCTIONED COMPENSATION is FULLY given to surviving family members?
1.4   What are the number of cases where SANCTIONED COMPENSATION is PARTIALLY given to surviving family members?
1.5   What are the number of cases where SANCTIONED COMPENSATION is NOT given AT ALL to surviving family members?
1.6   Provide List of security personnel and amount paid as partial compensation and reason behind such delay in full disbursement.
1.7   Provide List of security personnel and amount YET TO BE paid as full compensation and reason behind such delay in full disbursement.
In reply to above, Army(Letter No. A/810027/RTI/15034 dated 03-02-2014), BSF(Letter No. 2400/Ops/C-II/34/14/136-37 dated 05-02-2014), CRPF(Letter No. M-V-905/2013-Adm. I/RTI dt 27-01-2014) refused to provide (rejecting the 1st Appeal) the above data stating that Information sought is exempted from disclosure :

Under section 8(1) (a) of RTI act 2005.

Ø  RTI Act 2005 is not applicable for security forces under section 24(1) except information related to allegations of human rights violations/corruption.

Ø  Information/queries sought by you were general in nature and your application does not make any reference to such allegations. Hence this Dept. is not liable to provide such information to you.
Above refusal to provide data confirm following facts :

A)     AAM AADMI has no right to access data related to above queries (1.1 to 1.7) as there is neither any  reference to human rights violations NOR corruption!!!
B)      AAM AADMI has no right to access data related to their Jawan brothers who are dedicating their lives for the entire nation without any vested interest!!!
<Read Blog that elaborate on How SELF-CREATED and KEPT-ALIVE issues of India were resolved 45 Yrs back : http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2014/02/how-self-created-and-kept-alive-issues.html>
C)      AAM AADMI has no right to access data related to their Jawan brothers who are humiliated shamelessly by irresponsible Political Leaders for Vote Bank Politics!!!
<Read blog : http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2014/04/these-shameless-netas-can-humiliate-our.html >
Above all, is there a scope left to expose either human rights violations OR corruption if MOD does not reveal above data which is solely for the PURPOSE OF WELFARE OF OUR ARMED FORCES WHO DEDICATE THEIR LIFE every second day very much UNLIKE these SHAMELESS NETAs whose dedication to the nation starts and ends at “LIP SERVICE” only and that too maligning the ARMED FORCES just for coming back to power and LOOT the nations left open TIJORI as happening ever since Independence.

<How helpless we AAM AADMI are after electing our NETAs in LS/RS/VS:

<AMAZING UNITY AND SOLIDARITY shown by all political parties ON ONE ISSUE: http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2013/07/issue-is-not-whether-aam-aadmi-can-have.html>

Sunday, 13 April 2014

These shameless netas can humiliate our armed forces with their vote bank politics, but have they ever asked what happened to the JAWAN (which reminded of the crying face of a tailor pleading for help in Gujarat riot) pleading for medical help (on National Television) which never reached the forces even after 3/4 Hrs of Maoist Blast as he has small children and family to support!!!

Yes, that’s true which gets validated in every election by them repeatedly coming to power by walking over the dead bodies of Rape-Communal Riot-Armed forces dead body and we AAM AADMI keep sucking our thumb and keep voting for them as we are helplessly doing since last 66Yrs in absence of stringent law to punish these shameless Netas, playing vote bank politics ever since independence. But surely you can neither blame Netas nor Media Honchos who have never raised any demand to pass ordinance for punishing such politicians INSTANTLY the very moment they UTTER SUCH words.

Why blame Netas alone even our Media Honchos too are equally responsible for their FLIPKART journalism; none  of them covered the status of these armed forces blasted recently as there was more TRP to generate by following the election wind!!!

Instead of passing ordinance for punishing such politicians (when the entire nation know that this is the only way these Netas polarize voters), and behaving as if its happening for first time in Indian election, we keep commenting criticizing the act of such politicians in media channels who in no time start dancing to the tune of these politicians when they come to power for their bread n butter which is “TRP”.

So for heaven’s sake stop criticizing MSY-AK-AS for their courageous act of provoking two communities which is the proud heritage/legacy BRITISH RAAJ has left for us to carry forward and that’s exactly these Netas are doing for making the entire nation PROUD of having such NETAs whose butts are worth getting CANNED (had it been Singapore), instead we AAM AADMI have no choice but to L... it.
Read Blogs that already expose above facts:

<Why demand sacking of Just Born Prez son Politician Mr. Abhijit Mukherjee when our LS/RS can allow both CONVICTED AND UNDERTRIAL CRIMINALS to ENHANCE its SANCTITY: http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2012/12/if-our-lsrs-can-allow-both-convicted.html >

<SHAME ON ALL POLITICAL PARTIES THAT RULED INDIA SINCE INDEPENDENCE: http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2013/07/shame-on-all-political-parties-that.html>
<AMAZING UNITY AND SOLIDARITY shown by all political parties ON ONE ISSUE: http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2013/07/issue-is-not-whether-aam-aadmi-can-have.html>
<How helpless we AAM AADMI are after electing our NETAs in LS/RS/VS: http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2013/08/how-helpless-we-aam-aadmi-are-after.html>

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Why Governance system of Singapore need to be the Role Model of India, if not for the entire world?

In Singapore, Can you imagine a Leader defying EC order OR spreading communal disharmony in armed forces OR supporting RAPE criminals OR begging support from clergymen just for the sake of vote bank politics?

Yes, why imagine in Singapore when you can dream as well as see them materializing every moment in India as these are the basic features of Indian Election but you cannot imagine the above scenarios even in your wildest dreamz IF AND ONLY IF there was Governance system of Singapore implemented in India then you would have found these leaders CANNED first before they were jailed, leave aside them contesting election!!

<Read Blog that elaborate on how the Governance system of Singapore  ensured not a single case of  RAPE/Acid Attack/Bomb blast/ Communal Riot (Thanks to fear of CANNING) even if Chinese-Malay Muslims-South Indian Hindus sell Pork-Beef-Idli Dosa UNDER ONE ROOF: http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2013/09/why-singapore-never-had-rapeacid.html >

<Read Blog that elaborate on How SELF-CREATED and KEPT-ALIVE issues of India were resolved 45 Yrs back : http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2014/02/how-self-created-and-kept-alive-issues.html>

What’s common in the MANIFESTO of all parties right from Kashmir to Kanyakumari so that 71Yrs Legacy of LOOT n GANG-RAPE of Mother-India can continue in the hands of these VIJAY MALLYAs/NIRAV MODIs/DESHBHAKT NETAs/NIRBHAYA-UNNAO-KATHUA GANGRAPE criminals?

Firstly, why create a MANIFESTO when there is no FRAMEWORK to ensure that every party strictly follow their own BIG TALK declared in their respective manifesto?

Does Manifesto is of any relevance to AAM AADMI; who care what each party declare in manifesto 
which gets dumped immediately after election result as evident from NAMMA KARNATAKA election 2018 where MILLIONS are spent to make the DESHBHAKT NETAs enjoy at RESORTS/Taj Hotels at the expense of AAM AADMI's Money Looted by Political Parties under the head of "ANONYMOUS DONATION"; Thanks to our age-old Toothless, Rotten, IMPOTENT draconian RP Act, 1951: http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2017/02/if-unknown-sources-can-be-legitimized.html?

Why IDS-2016 will not send the same THREAT to all POLITICAL PARTIES LOOTING same BLACK MONEYhttp://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2016/07/why-alone-individuals-are-under-scope.html

Now, What’s common in the MANIFESTO of all parties for LOOT n GANG-RAPE of Mother-India to continue for next 71Yrs as if last 71Yrs not enough to fill the GREED of these parties?

1. None of them talk about amending age-old Toothless, Rotten, IMPOTENT draconian RP Act, 1951 that allow Every third MP in 16th Lok Sabha 2014 with criminal charges become our DESHBHAKT Law-Makershttps://adrindia.org/media/adr-in-news/every-third-mp-16th-lok-sabha-has-criminal-charges-adr
CRIMINALS n CROREPATIs contesting election in KARNATAKA is a matter of PRIDE for our DESHBHAKT Political Parties and their NETAs as long as our Constitution and age old DRACONIAN RP Act allow them to do so: https://goo.gl/84K7fZ

2.     None of them talk about making our JUDICIARY Time-Bound leaving the BIGGEST LOOP-HOLE wide open for Netas to LOOT the Country’s Left-open Tijori and enjoy life outside jail even after getting convicted for 7 Years by filling appeal in Higher court which will probably take another 15 Yrs to deliver its verdict ; Rapist to cut the tongue or burn the victim alive after repeated rape ; Netas go scot free after spreading the venom of communal hatred!
Justice for AAM AADMI is denied in the form of never-ending legal process where NEITHER OUR Honb’le JUDICIARY NOR WE AAM AADMI EVER KNOW WHEN JUSTICE WILL BE DELIVERED whereas Even a mother knows that she will deliver a baby after NINE MONTHS / school-colleges know to deliver its Degree after a Fixed period / even Parliament knows to dissolve itself after FIVE YEARS, but probably our JUDICIAL SYSTEM is the only INSTITUTION that enjoy full AZADI of stretching legal cases year after year without being held accountable for such RIDICULOUS DELAY!!!
<Read Blog that already justified as to why judiciary need to be time bound for strict delivery of justice within a Timeline: http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2012/12/even-mother-knows-that-she-will-deliver.html  >
<Read Blog that prove 17Yrs too little time for our judiciary to deliver verdict against a minister LOOTING country’s LEFT-OPEN TIJORI : http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2013/09/why-we-must-not-celebrate-lallus.html >
<Read Blog : Are we not ashamed to celebrate our INDEPENDENCE DAY and REPUBLIC DAY when A GIRL, AFTER GETTING RAPED FOR 40 DAYS BY 42 RAPIST, IS AWAITING JUSTICE FOR LAST 16 YEARS : http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2013/01/are-we-not-ashamed-to-celebrate-our.html>

3.     None of them talk about imposing QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Highest Chairs of India leaving the BIGGEST LOOP-HOLE wide open for Netas to enjoy 5Yrs full AZADI as in INDIA still there is ONE AND ONLY ONE profession (since Independence) that EVEN allow under-trial criminals and come with a PACKAGE DEAL of entire 5 Years free amenities (right from LAUNDRY to CAAAR) and absolute AZADI on their behaviour / performance / action simply because once joined this profession you HAVE NO THREAT OF FACING PERIODICAL PERFORMANCE AUDIT (known as QPA- QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT in other profession) even if your behavior bring SHAME AND DISGRACE to the NATION!!
<Read Blog that already justified as to why QPA is a missing tool in Indian Governance that allow LOOT to happen: http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2013/09/why-qly-performance-audit-qpa-and.html>
<Read Blog that already justified how INDIA becoming First Proud Nation in the world: http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2013/09/once-again-missing-qpa-canning-in.html>

4.     None of them talk about imposing CANNING for Rape/Acid attack/Bomb Blast/Communal Riot Criminals leaving the BIGGEST LOOP-HOLE wide open for Netas to support Rape Criminals (not the victim), Rapist to cut the tongue or burn the victim alive after repeated rape ; Netas to LOOT the Country’s Left-open Tijori as they have no fear of getting CANNED!
<Read Blog that already justified as to why CANNING is the biggest deterrent to all crimes, be it LOOT or RAPE or Bomb Blast or Communal Riot: http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2014/03/in-absence-of-qpa-and-canning-both.html >
<Read blog that prove why India can watch intestine removal by Rapist but cannot consider CANNING : http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2013/09/if-rape-victims-intestine-removal-is.html >

5.     None of them talk about how to curb the expenses of an election in a country like India where Crores are spent to allow entry of Criminals in LS/RS/VS when there are still Lakhs of fellow Indians surviving by eating Rat Meat and without proper sanitation, drinking water even after 66Yrs of Independence.
Instead of talking big like bringing BLACK MONEY from swiss bank, why go all the way to swiss bank, why not reveal the source of funding for these magnum opus multi billion rupees election expenditure that itself will expose the BLACK MONEY invested into election process by corporate who in turn run the Governance system by Looting Govt Projects like it happened in 2G-CoalGate-Irrigation-Mining scam!!
<Read Blog that already exposed the vicious circle of BLACK MONEY rolling into election process, resulting in LOOT of Country’s Left-open Tijori for returning the investment of Corporate: http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2014/02/flipside-of-aap-chief-delhi-cm.html >
<Read Blog that already show how to implement E-Election: http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2011/09/managing-election-process-without.html >

6. Above all, None of them talk about declaring their Ministers as Minister-On-Probation if he fails to clear his QPA (as mentioned above in Clause 2) upholding the Buzzword of all profession that is “EITHER PERFORM OR PERISH”!
<Read Blog that elaborate on the concept of Minister-On-Probation : http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2013/12/all-that-matter-is-providing-clean-and.htmlEnforce exam on highest chairs of India : http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2013/08/why-not-enforce-exam-on-higest-chairs.htmlEither perform or perish : http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2013/09/neither-this-article-blame.html

Still have doubt as to
why NATION need QPA on Highest Chairs of India and CANNING for Rape/Acid attack/Bomb Blast Criminals,
IF HAVE, then even GOD CAN NOT SAVE OUR MOTHER-INDIA from getting 
LOOTED n GANG-RAPED for another 71Yrs in the hands of these VIJAY MALLYAs/NIRAV MODIs/DESHBHAKT NETAs/NIRBHAYA-UNNAO-KATHUA GANGRAPE criminalshttp://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2015/07/still-have-doubt-as-to-who-should-be.html!!!

NIRBHAYA no longer considered as HEINOUS crime as per our Law-Makers as at the time of GANG-RAPE she was not a MINOR; Be thankful to our Law-Makers for RE-DEFINING GANG-RAPE of MOTHER-INDIA: https://goo.gl/h2rkqx

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Last episode of satyamevjayate does not reveal anything new, it’s a stale old topic of Criminals in Politics; but what AAM AADMI missed out from this episode is the FLIP SIDE of it and that is WE THE AAM AADMI VOTE, thinking that each party is fighting each other for serving the nation; TRUE FACT is that they are fighting to GRAB ACCESS to country’s LEFT OPEN TIJORI which is awaringly left open for LOOT TO HAPPEN!!!

Yes, the FLIP SIDE of Last episode of satyamevjayate have only one MORAL OF THE STORY and that is none of these parties are against each other; rather thay are all AMAZINGLY UNITED when issue comes on LOOTING the nation by allowing criminals entry into LS/RS/VS.

Certainly 66 Yrs cannot be enough for all National Parties for building their Party Fund (hence must keep LOOTING for next 66Yrs) as per Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) URL exposing the ASSET jump as under :
1. URL for List of Topics on Criminalization of Governance : https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/national-election-watch
2. URL for Comparison of number of pending cases and number of convictions declared by sitting MPs , MLAs and Contesting Candidates :https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/national-election-watch/fJrs_VoRbLw

Above all, 66 Yrs is too little time for all National Parties to make our judiciary TIME BOUND as other nation have done (Read URL : http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2014/02/how-self-created-and-kept-alive-issues.html )
and pass legislation/ordinance so that root cause can be eliminated and that is imposing
QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Highest Chairs of India and CANNING for Rape/Acid attack/Riot/Bomb Blast Criminals!!!

Finally, we AAM AADMI are once again going to HAND OVER the key of country’s LEFT OPEN TIJORI to another bunch of politicians and there is nothing wrong in it as its happening since last 66Yrs and once again make us SLAVES in the hands of those we are sending to LS/RS/VS for next 5 Yrs.