Saturday, 7 December 2019

Will Encounter of RAPISTs act like an effective DETERRENT in the mindset of these Criminals as EVER-RISING LIBIDO of these Criminals will never come down with such action which relieve them INSTANTLY of all PAINS, they inflict upon the VICTIMS! Rather Singapore style CANING can act as an Effective DETERRENT mechanism, thought of which will make those Criminals “PEE” in their pants!

Simply judge by following two scenarios for better result which is to make those Criminals “PEE” instead of “EJACULATE” in their pants when ANIMAL INSTINCT override HUMAN INSTINCT by seeing a soft target like NIRBHAYA/UNNAO/DISHA!
Scenario 1: Encounter killing by Policemen which relieve these CRIMINALS INSTANTLY of all PAINS which they inflict upon the VICTIMS befor burning them alive, also this ENCOUNTER remedy  will certainly not happen for every RAPE incident, ELSE UNNAO Criminals (After getting BAIL, BURNT THE VICTIM ALIVE!) would have met the same fate by now!
Scenario 2: Every RAPIST/Acid Attacker/Bomb Blast criminals have to take 100 STROKE OF CANING on their BUMP (like it happens in SINGAPORE) and that too, if possible, thru the hands of the VICTIM’s closest relative!
This will create such terrible pain that for next 3/6 months these CRIMINALs will NEITHER be able to walk straight NOR their animal instinct will  make them EJACULATE!

SCENARIO 2 is the BEST way

(as CASTRATION is distant dream in India) to achieve desired result as mentioned above and ONE n ONLY TIME-TESTED tool, thought of which will make those Criminals “PEE” in their pants instead of EJACULATING!!!

Above all, why relieve these CRIMINALS INSTANTLY of all PAINS (by killing them, why not make them suffer before DEATH!) which they inflict upon the VICTIMS like they did in 2012 NIRBHAYA (Played with her INTESTINE!) to 2017 UNNAO (Hung her from Tree!) to 2019 DISHA and UNNAO (BURNT the victim, may be alive!) and “N” number of such cases, if interested,
Read Blog: HAVE GUTS, sign this petition to impose CANING on Rape Criminals, Save Honor and Dignity of Mother-India from getting LOOTED n GANG-RAPED by MALLYAs / NIRAV MODIs, Rape/Acid attack/Bomb Blast/Communal Riot Criminals ever since AZADI:
These Media-Honchos need not be SPOON-FEEDED that neither Death sentence NOR ENCOUNTER KILLING NOR Life imprsonmant NOR Speedy Trial NOR CANDLE MARCH NOR forming a SIT will ever stop such heinous crime as none of these are effective Deterent Mechanism to create a fear in the mindset of these criminals whose ANIMAL instinct will always rule supreme over HUMAN instinct as n when they find helpless Mother-India!

ONLY Solution is QPA and Canning as being demanded by this One n Only Blogger since last 10/12 Years in his Blog

For the sake of protecting Mother-India from getting Looted and Gang-Raped since AZADI,
its High Time these Media-Honchos Do constructive journalism by 
debating on importance of “CANING” and amendment of Age-Old ROTTEN, Toothless RP Act,1951 (that ensure Loot to happen, no question asked!)  by demanding QPA and Caning which can happen only after they raise the debate of
Imposing QPA on Highest Chairs of India!
CANNING for Rape/Acid attack/Bomb Blast/Communal Riot Criminals alongwith such LOOTERAH Ministers and their henchmen regional NETAs conducting BANK LOOT like PMC and DHFL, leave aside MOB LYNCHING:
Why 2 Topics: QPA and CANING must supersede all other Topics in any Debate, be it 9PM Prime Time or Conquest2017

Finally end this blog with a great quote of of Hon’ble Justice N Kirubakaran of Madras HC, validating demand of “CANING” by this blogger: “Barbaric crimes should definitely attract barbaric model of punishment.” READ BLOG: