Tuesday, 23 June 2015

British were thrown out of India but left behind “DIVIDE & RULE” policy which all parties religiously and SHAMELESSLY followed , either to come to power or to remain in power , and after 67Yrs of AZADI, Congress thrown out of their KURSI but left behind the dirty culture of giving “CLEAN CHIT” to each other as n when they were caught in LOOTING the nation which now being religiously followed by ruling Govt so that they too can protect their Ministers as and when they get caught in any scam!!!

And still the age old LEGACY of giving “CLEAN CHIT” to each other  continues  FORCING AAM AADMI to live with same old ROTTEN IMPOTENT TOOTHLESS governance system, resulting in RANDOM LOOT and GANGRAPE of Mother-India even after 67Yrs of Independence!!

What else can best describe  TRUE STATE OF INDIA by none other than Former Judge, Supreme Court of India and former Chairman, Press Council of India.MARKANDE KATJU in his article “Why India is headed for a French Revolution; The solutions to our country's problems lie outside the system.” dt 22nd June’2015: http://www.dailyo.in/politics/french-revolution-indian-parliament-constitution-monsoon-session-modi-government/story/1/4504.html

SIMPLY CAN’NT RESIST few lines or rather BITTER TRUTH from above article which expose TRUE COLORS of our MLA/MP/MINISTERS, I QUOTE: Moreover, a large number of our MPs have criminal antecedents. We have politicians who are mostly incorrigible rogues and rascals who have no genuine love for India, but have looted the country, taking much of the country's wealth to secret foreign banks and havens, and who know how to manipulate caste and communal vote banks, often by inciting caste or religious riots. Our bureaucracy has largely become corrupt, and so has the judiciary.”-UNQUOTE

Hence, ISSUE is not:

Ø  Why FM and his fellow minister give clean chit to each other as if they are HC or SC judges;

Ø  Why MILLIONS sleep HUNGRY at night and DEFECATE in open air every morning when our elected   DESHBHAKT NETAs enjoy GALA FEAST at PARLIAMENT CANTEEN with SUBSIDY in the range of 200% to 1000% ;

Ø  Why parliamentarians who earn over Rs 1.4 lakh with perks per month enjoy `fish fried with chips' at Rs 25, mutton cutlet at Rs 18, boiled vegetables at Rs 5, mutton curry at Rs 20 and masala dosa at Rs 6 and Shami kebab for Rs 14, chicken biryani for Rs 51, chapati for Re 1; thus resulting in a SUBSIDY GRANT to feed our HUNGRY DESHBHAKT NETAJIs a whopping 60CRORES paid by poor TAX-PAYERs: http://epaperbeta.timesofindia.com/Article.aspx?eid=31814&articlexml=MPs-served-Rs-60cr-food-subsidy-in-Parl-24062015025042     

Ø  Why our elected   DESHBHAKT NETAs have the power to raise their own salary to100% hike when all other profession have stringent PERFORMANCE AUDIT!

Ø  Why our elected Minister LIE on Affidavithttp://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/hrd-minister-smriti-irani-fake-degree-delhi-court/1/446883.html , be it Law minister from AAP or HRD Minister from BJP, yet rule and fool us: http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2014/05/flipside-of-smriti-irani-false.html

Ø  Why our elected   DESHBHAKT NETAs enjoy the benefit of DIVIDING  their take home package into 20% salary and 80% allowances (Approx) so that they are taxable only on 20% salary whereas rest 80% allowances are enjoyed as TAX-FREE income whereas all PSU/PRIVATE employees have no liberty to decide as above!!!

Can we afford to blame our elected   DESHBHAKT NETAs for above LOOT? CERTAINLY NOT, AFTER ALL its we AAM AADMI is to blame as we blindly allow these DESHBHAKT NETAs to rule and fool us for FULL FIVE YEARS without any checks and balances (which is QPA) along with all FREE amenities right from LAUNDRY to CAAAR!!


Can any HUMAN, be it AAM AADMI like me or Ministers, resist their TEMPTATION of LOOTING CRORES offered to them in a ROTTEN TOOTHLESS IMPOTENT governance system that allow LOOT and GANGRAPE to happen even after 67 Yrs of AZADI in absence of QPA and CANNING; Still have doubt as to why NATION need QPA on Highest Chairs of India and CANNING for Rape/Acid attack/Bomb Blast Criminals alongwith such LOOTERAH Ministers and their henchmen!!!

ISSUE after 67Yrs of AZADI, still remain one and only one:
If all PSU/PRIVATE employees are subjected to QPA (QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT), why the HELL there is an EXCEPTION for HIGHEST CHAIRS OF INDIA whose performance are to be audited at the end of FIFTH year (thus allowing them ample time to LOOT n GANGRAPE MOTHER-INDIA as happened  since last 67Yrs) instead of every quarter as happen in all other profession!!

Why the HELL this ONE and ONLY PROFESSION “NETAGIRI” will remain out of any periodical PERFORMANCE AUDIT that can automatically take care of “GIVING CLEAN CHIT” practice rather than “MONKEY PRAISING THEMSELVES” culture practiced ever since independence by Congress Raj followed by ruling Govt !!!

Is 67 Yrs not enough for our GREAT MEDIA HONCHOs to demand imposing QPA (QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT) ON HIGHEST CHAIRS OF INDIA (for plugging the 67Yrs old LEFT-OPEN Loophole for Loot to happen) instead of engaging in TIMEPASS SICKENING MEDIA TRIAL for  evaluating PERFORMANCE of our DESHBHAKT MLA/MP/MINISTERS for their any DAMN ACT, right from hiking their own salary 100% to BURNING alive HUMAN to 1000% subsidised canteen food to Help LALIT MODI in Money Laundering after getting Cut Money ?

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Why blame LALIT MODI or for that matter his associate Ministers for Money Laundering, its but natural for Human Nature to LOOT and GANGRAPE the Nation, be it in CWG or 2G or COALGATE or LALITGATE or IPL Scam, as if Ministers like A. Raja/Lallu are not human, after getting elected they OVERNIGHT supposed to become “RAJA HARISHCHANDRA” by default!!

Can any HUMAN, be it AAM AADMI or Ministers, resist their TEMPTATION of LOOTING CRORES offered to them in a ROTTEN TOOTHLESS IMPOTENT governance system that allow LOOT and GANGRAPE to happen even after 67 Yrs of AZADI in absence of QPA and CANNING; Still have doubt as to why NATION need QPA on Highest Chairs of India and CANNING for Rape/Acid attack/Bomb Blast Criminals alongwith such LOOTERAH Ministers and their henchmen!!! 

So what if a UP Minister along with his Chamcha Police personnel burn a HUMAN ALIVE OR so what if our Ministers secretly help LALIT MODI to escape the LAW of the LAND and so what if LALIT MODI is proudly LIVING HIS LIFE KINGSIZE after giving due share to the Minister’s SON or so what if there is a CONFLICT OF INTEREST;
AFTER ALL its we AAM AADMI is to blame as our constitution allow these DESHBHAKT NETAs to rule and fool us for FULL FIVE YEARS without any checks and balances (which is QPA) along with all FREE amenities right from LAUNDRY to CAAAR!!

Hence, ISSUE is not:
Ø  Why question our DESHBHAKT MLA/MP/Ministers for helping LALIT MODI in Money Laundering OR hiking  their very own salary when our Governance model allow them to do so???
Ø  Why we SPINELESS AAM AADMI shall not be ever GRATEFUL to above MLA/MP/Ministers (instead of criticizing them),  as they are kind enough to restrict their SALARY HIKE to 100% instead of 500% (as no law prevent them from doing so!!), considering 597Mn Indians still DEFECATE in OPEN AIR: http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2014/05/can-we-afford-this-luxury-of-spending.html
Ø  How can a Minister with his henchmen, that too from Police, can BURN a HUMAN ALIVE??? 
Ø  If burnt victim had died, then there would have been no case against such Minister and his henchmen!
Ø  Look at the AUDACITY of a DESHBHAKT SP Neta proudly stating that “Had the police wanted, they could have burnt a Human inside the police station” and that too while giving FAKE CONDOLENCE:

ISSUE after 67Yrs of AZADI, still remain one and only one:

Ø  Is 67 Yrs not enough for our GREAT MEDIA HONCHOs to demand imposing QPA (QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT) ON HIGHEST CHAIRS OF INDIA (for plugging the 67Yrs old LEFT-OPEN Loophole for Loot to happen) instead of engaging in TIMEPASS MUD-SLINGING SICKENING MEDIA TRIAL for  evaluating PERFORMANCE of our DESHBHAKT MLA/MP/MINISTERS who care a DAMN about such media trial as there are ample such LOOPHOLES left open (in absence of QPA) which can be PLUGGED by one systemic action which is imposing QPA (QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT) ON HIGHEST CHAIRS OF INDIA that will decide the fate of these DESHBHAKT NETAs instantly, INSTEAD of “NAUTANKI” media trial run by SHOUTING-YELLING-HOWLING of our GREAT MEDIA HONCHOs to generate “TRP” for their respective channels!!!


Why not leave this Arnab/Rajdeep/Karan style verdict delivery on a system called "QPA" that will automatically expose the UGLY face and double-standard practiced by our so called highest chairs of India and force them to QUIT, rather than these media anchor demanding it which ultimately result in "GHORA KA ANDA", but surely it generates "TRP" at the expense of 67Yrs old LOOT and GANGRAPE OF Indian Governance (FOR COMPULSION OF COALITION POLITICS) simply because as Ministries and their Ministers had better things to do as they are too busy LOOTING the nation, be it in 2G/Coalgate/CWG/Air India/LALITGATE Scam (by taking advantage of missing QPA on Highest Chairs of India)!!!

Jago Great Media Honchos Jago, show some GUTS, courage and strength (alongwith yr TRP generation mode of journalism) to bring this ONE and ONLY profession “NETAGIRI” means Highest Chairs Of India (that include Minister-MP-MLAs) UNDER THE SCANNER OF QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) as 67Yrs were enough to give this profession AZADI to LOOT and GANGRAPE Indian Governance in the name of development, resulting in creation of thousands of NETAs like A.Raja/LALLU/BENIWAL who are proud to create thousands of “MASALGAON” villages across India, even after 67Yrs of AZADI!!