Friday, 20 February 2015

For NewsHour, what should be PRIORITY HOT TOPIC to debate : #Corporate Espionage OR #Bihar Bribe Bomb OR #EndVVIPRAJ OR LICENSE to The Great Nithari serial killer Surender Koli who will live his full life amidst CIVIL SOCIETY, a BIG THANKS to the “excessive and unexplained delay of three years and three months“ in deciding on Koli's mercy petitions, first by the UP governor and then by the President OF INDIA!

As usual Our Great Media Honchos are smartly avoiding THE HOTTEST TOPIC on earth for obvious reasons:  Nation forgot to celebrate the REPUBLIC DAY GIFT from President of India amidst HallaBol of Delhi Election

Why waste time over a 67Yrs old CONSTITUTIONAL LEFT-OPEN LOOPHOLE and India’s age old tradition which every Party are exploiting WITH A DIFFERENCE MANJHI made or rather ELEVATED the age old tradition of Horse Trading to a level where he offered “MINISTRY” to MLA’s but he did all these because constitution allows him to do so like all his predecessors did!!!

No point shouting and howling in NEWSHOUR when our constitution is awaringly not amended by all parties for their very own vested interest, GIVING BIRTH to NETAs like Late Chandrasekhar to DeveGowda to BSY to the latest addition MANJHI always out to GANGRAPE Indian Governance FOR COMPULSION OF COALITION POLITICS!!!

Just 48Hrs enough to pass new JUDICIAL bill, but 66YRS not enough to raise the debate of QPA:

Our Great Media Honchos are shamelessly after Manjhi’s equally shameless act of Horse Trading as if earlier it had never happened! What more can you expect from these NETAs like MANJHI who are allowed to administer GOVERNANCE without QPA on Highest Chairs of India!!!
What’s common in the MANIFESTO of all parties right from Kashmir to Kanyakumari so that 66Yrs Legacy of LOOTING can continue:

Both MINISTERs and MEDIA HONCHOs are walking over Riot Victims/childrens/Army officers Dead Body:

Only when these NETAs know that nobody will assess their performance UNTILL next election which is 5yrs away:

FINALLY, this BLOGGER leave it to AAM AADMI to decide as to why our Great Media Honchos are SHAMELESSLY SILENT over A DEBATE involving  AZADI of a HUMAN FLESH EATER to remain ALIVE after Raping and killing 19 Minor Girls, YES The Great Nithari serial RAPIST and killer Surender Koli will live his life amidst CIVIL SOCIETY JUST BECAUSE there was and neither there will be any QPA on Highest Chairs of India for next 67Yrs, 
resulting in full AZADI to Surender Koli to live his life amongst us AND  SAME AZADI to HIGHEST CHAIRS OF INDIA to enjoy their full 5Yrs term with all amenities absolutely FREE, RIGHT FROM LAUNDRY to CAAAR, even after giving AZADI to LIVE to a  HUMAN FLESH EATER RAPIST KILLER KOLI !!


FOCUS on constructive journalism rather than PURE TIME PASS FLIPKART JOURNALISM that can only generate “TRP” for your channel, BADLE MEIN Nation IS FORCED to live shamelessly  with HUMAN FLESH EATER, serial RAPIST/KILLER Surender Koli!!!

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Nation forgot to celebrate the FABULOUS REPUBLIC DAY GIFT from President of India amidst HallaBol of Delhi election: Human Flesh eater and killer of 19 minor girls and women, YES The Great Nithari serial killer Surender Koli will live his life amidst CIVIL SOCIETY simply because of “excessive and unexplained delay of three years and three months“ in deciding on Koli's mercy petitions, first by the UP governor and then by the President OF INDIA!!!

Jan 29 2015 : The Times of India: Read URL:

Jago AAM AADMI Jago before its too late;  

In the midst of Delhi Election, Nation failed to notice a fabulous REPUBLIC DAY GIFT from The Highest Chairs of India: Human Flesh eater and killer of 19 minor girls and women, YES The Great Nithari serial killer Surender Koli will live his life amidst CIVIL SOCIETY simply because of “excessive and unexplained delay of three years and three months" in deciding on Koli's mercy petitions, first by the UP governor and then by the President OF INDIA and BADLE MEIN we AAM AADMI did not even bother to THANK the Highest Chairs of India, SHAME ON US!!!

Demand QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Highest Chairs of India and CANNING for all Rape/Acid Attack/Bomb Blast/Communal Riot criminals, UNLESS you want Human Flesh eater and killer of 19 minor girls and women to live happily everafter amongst civil society of India!!! 

If we are so SPINELESS to demand QPA and CANNING for our MOTHERLAND getting LOOTED and GANGRAPED every second day, Least we AAM AADMI could do is THANK the Highest Chairs of India for such wonderful fabulous gift to the Nation!!!

Above comment of “excessive and unexplained delay of three years and three months“is not of this BLOGGER, it’s a comment by Allahabad High Court  Justice Dhananjaya Yeshwant Chandrachud and Justice Pradeep Kumar Singh Baghel.

No, issue is not why the above delay of 3Yrs and 3Mnths which Hon'ble Justice Dhananjaya Yeshwant Chandrachud and Hon'ble Justice Pradeep Kumar Singh Baghel considered as “excessive“ and “avoidable“!!

ISSUE IS after above Gift to the nation, is there any doubt left as to why NATION need QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Highest Chairs of India, specifically when all other profession is already under QPA!!!

ISSUE IS after Delhi/ROHTAK RAPE, is there any doubt left as to why NATION need CANNING (in addition to HANG punishment) in Singapore style to act as DETERRENT for such ANIMAL RAPIST/Acid Attacker who enjoy torturing human organ as done in Rohtak-I quote- Not only did the accused rape and murder her, they also stuffed pieces of a stick, stones and condoms into her private parts: Read URL:

Was DELHI BUS RAPE not enough for AAM AADMI to demand QPA and CANNING, Where a juvenile CRIMINAL gets away with 3 yrs Jail term for his great achievement of PULLING OUT HUMAN ORGAN “INTESTINE” BY HAND thru her private parts after rape!!!
Even if another 67 Yrs gone by, all we SPINELESS AAM AADMI shall do is demand speedy trial to HANG to LIFE TERM in Candle March, but will never demand any time-tested Singapore style DETERRENT mechanism like QPA and CANNING, never mind if ANIMAL RAPIST/ACID-ATTACKER gets elevated to a level where they get PERVERTED satisfaction of playing with private parts of RAPE VICTIMS, be it dragging out INTESTINE by hand or stuffing rods/stones!!!

Nothing in this world can ever validate above delay (that too caused by HIGHEST CHAIRS OF INDIA, resulting in AZADI of a HUMAN FLESH EATER to remain ALIVE after Raping and killing 19 Minor Girls) and neither this blogger feel its necessary to repeat the demand of QPA and CANNING (for which this entire BLOG IS DEDICATED), the only two missing tools in Indian Governance that help LOOT and GANGRAPE to happen!!! 

Still have doubt as to why NATION need QPA on Highest Chairs of India and CANNING for Rape/Acid attack/Bomb Blast Criminals, IF HAVE, then only GOD CAN SAVE OUR NATION from such NITHARI KILLERs and DESHBHAKT NETAs and their henchmen!!!   

Moral of the story: So what does above CALLOUS IRRESPONSIBLE  “excessive and unexplained delay of three years and three months" resulted in to our Nation? Obviously another REPEAT CRIME: READ BLOG: SALUTE  the HIGHEST CHAIRS OF INDIA for presenting 2ND NITHARI KILLER to MOTHER-INDIA: