Thursday, 20 February 2014

How SELF-CREATED and KEPT-ALIVE issues of India were resolved by an another country 45 Yrs back, much after our INDEPENDENCE and marched ahead of us, leaving us way behind for filling the pocket of Netas and their parties, still HIDING under POLITICAL BURKHA in India!!!

Yes, let me start this blog with a COMMENT of an eminent South-East Asian Leader which is so relevant to our nation : “ALL PROBLEMS IN INDIA ARE SELF-CREATED” and I just add one more word to it as under:

Here are the List of few key issues (similar to what India is facing ever since Independence) that got resolved OVERNIGHT simply because they wanted to KILL IT AT ITS ROOT instead of keeping it alive year after year so that all parties patiently wait for their turn to LOOT Nation’s Asset as and when they come to power!!!

Issue 1 : In view of Fractured mandate, an elected Coalition Govt could not administer Good Governance due to dependency on support required from its Coalition Partners who were dictating their terms for every issue that their Coalition Govt tried to resolve, resulting in a week toothless impotent Governance.

Proposed Solution 1A : Necessary amendment can be made in the constitution which allowed formation of  Coalition Govt provided none of the Coalition Partner can withdraw support from the ALLIANCE formed until the tenure gets completed which in India is end of 5th Year.
All Coalition Partners need to complete their manipulation with Majority stake holder before extending their support to newly formed ALLIANCE, once support extended, it gets locked for 5 years, and cannot be withdrawn until the tenure ends normally, thus it NAILS THE COFFIN OF POLITICAL BLACKMAIL AND HORSE TRADING WHICH IS A COMMON PRACTICE IN INDIA.

Proposed Solution 1B : Necessary amendment can be made in the constitution which allowed formation of  Multi-Party Govt by selecting members of Govt across all parties, with a RIDER that any of the selected member of Multi-Party Govt can resign or SACKED at any point of time, leaving the gate open for suitable replacement from any of the parties. This process will be exercised keeping in mind that the NATION can’nt afford to have a second election (in case Coalition Govt could not be formed due to Non-Compliance of Solution 1A) and moreover this process ensure that Good Governance take precedence over petty interest of individual Political Parties, thus it NAILS THE COFFIN OF POLITICAL RIVALRY, ACCUSATION and MUD-SLINGING and force all parties to share both SUCCESS AND FAILURE equally amongst themselves.
Issue 2 : In view of Asset Declaration by both political Parties and its members, a VICIOUS CIRCLE is kept alive ever since Independence by Privacy and Secrecy act (or whatever you call) protecting them from revealing the UNKNOWN sources from where they get Donation/Contribution.

Proposed Solution 2 : If at all any political Parties and its members want to enter into Politics, Necessary amendments are made in the constitution which make it MANDATORY for them to reveal their source of fund every Quarter very much like Corporate Inc publish their performance thru Qly Balance Sheet and additionally it allows RTI access to any citizen regarding the Qly data published by the parties and its members who made their own choice to enter public life ELSE they should not enter!!!

Reason behind such act is truly justified by simple fact that if a Nation allow anyone to handle its Billions of Dollars for managing the Nation’s day2day business, then the same Nation has every right to know  source of fund (TIJORI status) of same bunch of politicians and their party to whom Nation submit its TIJORI.
How can a handful politicians and their party enjoy FULL and FREE ACCESS to a Nation’s Tijori which is exposed in every Yly Budget whereas the TIJORI of same bunch of politicians and their party are allowed to hide behind Privacy and Secrecy act?????????? Thus it can NAIL THE COFFIN OF POLITICAL BURKHA in India under which these parties and its members love to hide their source of fund and truly they are shamelessly doing so ever since Independence by exploiting privacy/secrecy act.

Issue 3 : In view of Performance expected from elected Govt, all Govt Ministers and their Bureaucrats enjoy absolute azadi for not publishing their Performance report card, resulting in the entire Nation taken for a ride by these handful ministers and their parties.

Proposed Solution 3 : Necessary amendments are made in the constitution which make it MANDATORY for the Highest Chairs of India to face QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) so that healthy competition in GOVERNANCE get created. After two or three (as decided by Govt) successive Quarter, if any Minister fail to clear his audit then he should be replaced by another Person from his own party, thus creating HEALTHY COMPETITION in INDIAN GOVERNANCE which had never dared to introduce such AUDIT on themselves ever since Independence for obvious reasons, not me rather ADR website tells all.
Thus QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) ON HIGHEST CHAIRS OF INDIA ensure : EITHER PERFORM OR PERISH that will reveal periodically the success and failure (of these Ministry and its Ministers) to the same NATION who has every right to know how their elected NETAs are performing in terms of their given promises in LS/RS/VS!!! Also ensure that an elected member does not take his public vote for a ride and enjoy his 5 year term as fully paid Govt Holiday with all possible facilities/amenities in the world.

Issue 4 : In view of Nexus between Corporates and Politicians, a vicious circle get created by Govt who accept favour in form of donation from Corporates for coming to power and start LOOTING the nation for returning the favour to Corporates.

Proposed Solution 4 : Necessary amendments are made in the constitution for creating ways and means to Minimize expenses incurred by Political Parties to come to power.
Just one single example will show how dependency on Corporates are eliminated by introducing E-Election that can be fought by all parties without spending CRORES for electing a Govt.
Yes, the brief
process of E-Election was already exposed way back in 2011 by this blogger in URL as under:   which can save billions of AAM AADMI and yet give access to under-trial criminals and Lallus for upholding the SANCTITY of our esteemed LS/RS/VS!!!

Issue 5 : In view of delay in Judicial process, Justice often get denied in disguise of delay.
Proposed Solution 5 : Necessary amendments are made in the constitution and all Civil/Criminal/National security cases are given strict TIMELINE, failing which Judiciary has single LAYER of ESCALATION to resolve the reason behind such delay, resulting in a maximum of ONE YEAR for resolving any type of dispute, obviously supported by QPA and CANNING acting as biggest deterrent to any CRIME.
Read Blog :

Just one single example will show how dependency on Corporates are eliminated by introducing E-Election that can be fought by all parties without spending CRORES for electing a Govt.

Yes, the brief
process of E-Election was already exposed way back in 2011 by this blogger in URL as under:   which can save billions of AAM AADMI and yet give access to under-trial criminals and Lallus for upholding the SANCTITY of our esteemed LS/RS/VS!!!

Above Five Issues are just few of what got addressed 45 Yrs back by another nation for which all that they showed is human honesty to solve problems INSTANTLY either by amending constitution or passing ordinance, rather than keeping the issue alive and re-create more issues for LOOTING country’s wealth (at the same time protect the LOOTERAHs by hiding behind RTI exclusion) as happenning in India ever since Independence!!!

Now a brief INTROSPECTION as to why our Nation failed to amend constitution or pass ordinance for plugging the LOOPHOLES which other nation do it by drop of the hat to protect the interest of their AAM AADMI whereas our NETAs (be it ruling or opposition) show instant UNITY to show the Nation that they are equally efficient, pro-active and by drop of the hat they too pass ordinance/amend constitution but for protecting themselves and their party from getting exposed thru RTI ambit.

Issue is not :
Digging the 45 yrs old history as to which country and how they killed the issues right at its root/inception rather than keeping them alive and milk the cow for rest of 60/70 yrs like we do in India!!!
If Constitution, Ordinance are made/amended for AAM AADMI then even after 66 Yrs, Why the HELL our PATRIOTIC LEARNED LEADERS avoid to pass ordinance/amend constitution to accommodate MINIMUM above 4 changes that can kill the ROTTEN ISSUE right at its inception as done by another Nation 45 Yrs back, that too without any agitation, LOGJAM, Pepper/GAS spray in their Parliament simply because anyone opposing above amendments intend to LOOT the NATION, rather than serving the Nation which is exactly the state of India ever since Independence!!!

Needless to mention that in all above 4 issues, QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) play a vital role and India DESPERATELY needs QPA on Highest Chairs of India AND imposing CANNING for Rape/Acid attack/Bomb Blast/Communal Riots/Scam Kingpin (like recently convicted criminal in FODDER SCAM Mr. LALLU) Criminals to achieve World Class Quality Governance which is the “NEED OF THE HOUR” IRRESPECTIVE OF WHO WIN 2014 ELECTION AND COME TO RULE OUR COUNTRY with powerful slogan on 60 mnths Economic reforms, Foreign Policy, FDI retail, sound defence budget OR  women empowerment, RTI, decision taken by MPs instead of few people!

So what’s the MORAL OF THE STORY in this blog :

Ø  No Individual or Party can afford to HIDE themselves behind any GOD damn excuses (or rather I call it POLITICAL BURKHA) like RTI exclusion, privacy/secrecy act if they at all intend to serve the NATION ELSE they must not join politics and remain an AAM AADMI who has every right to enjoy RTI exclusion, privacy/secrecy act, not the politicians or for that matter any public entity who are going to enjoy another 5Yrs FULL and FREE ACCESS to country’s LEFT-OPEN (ever since Independence) TIJORI!!!

Ø  Constitution, Ordinance are made for AAM AADMI, not other way round, hence why remain with age-old laws and hide behind such laws for 66 Yrs to continue the LOOT (in the name of development) which can be easily stopped by drop of the hat by amendments as done by another nation 45 Yrs back!!!

The more you LOOT, more you are protected under POLITICAL BURKHA in India like RTI exclusion, privacy/secrecy act as long as you pretend to serve the Nation in front-end and continue LOOT at back-end!!!

How can any political party (be it ruling or opposition) be expected to reveal their source of 400 Crores expenditure on Ad-campaign alone when we AAM AADMI (rather our constitution) allow them to HIDE under POLITICAL BURKHA in India under which these parties and its members love to hide their source of fund and truly they are PROUDLY doing so right at the nose of AAM AADMI ever since Independence by exploiting such loopholes like RTI exclusion, privacy/secrecy act.

There is nothing wrong in spending THOUSANDS OF CRORES in Indian Election as we AAM AADMI love to elect our Govt year after year keeping the LOOPHOLE left open for LOOT to happen!!!

How SELF-CREATED and KEPT-ALIVE issues of India were resolved by an another country 45 Yrs back, much after our INDEPENDENCE and marched ahead of us, leaving us way behind for filling the pocket of Netas and their parties are best explained in another blog :

Also its FOOLISH to ask the famous personalities of Bollywood to stay away from creating these Ad-Campaigns simply because if I was in their place I would have surely done the job for these parties as
firstly this is to get a PIE of 400Crores (which another guy will grab if I do’nt);
secondly I am not doing “NAGIN DANCE” to grab a PIE of it,
and thirdly, its the legacy of Bollywood personalities to earn name/fame/money at the expenses of simply shedding tears and emotion for wrong issues at right time, already explained in earlier blog URL
as under :

1.  The CRYING & EMOTIONAL LOT of LS/RS members have joined politics after having NAME-FAME-DIGNITY in their past profession :
2.  SHAME ON DOUBLE STANDARDS practiced by Hon’ble LS/RS members  by crying for justice in LS/RS and at the same time be member of POLITICAL PARTIES who are PROUD TO HAVE both CONVICTED AND UNDERTRIAL CRIMINALS IN THEIR MEMBER LIST, HAVE GUTS, resign until your party KICK OUT all members with criminal records:


MY SLOGAN : Jago Indian Youth Jago !!! Why waste your time in petty jobs and slog round the clock in IT/Medical/Engg/MBA ?? JOIN THE POLITICAL BANDWAGON AND YOU NEED NOT REVEAL YOUR INTENTION AS I DID!

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

FLIPSIDE of AAP chief Delhi CM allegation against MNCs for GAS price hike and alleged involvement cum NEXUS of Ministry with Gas Cos!!!

Yes, there are 3 major FLIPSIDE of above allegation by Mr. Kejriwal which go UNNOTICED by AAM AADMI !!

1.     Untill Delhi CM expose on Media today, How many of us AAM AADMI were aware that GAS price was going to be hiked to $8 from $4 from 01-04-2014?
This is exactly why this BLOGGER is demanding QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Highest Chairs of India that could have exposed this decision making process RIGHT AT ITS INCEPTION when this plan was getting hatched in A/C Cabin of Ministers, thus keeping AAM AADMI informed and let AAM AADMI decide whether such move by their elected minister is correct or not!!!

2.     SHAME ON MEDIA HONCHOs as Delhi CM is doing the job on behalf of the Media who remained SILENT over above event of Gas price rise (is it probably because their owner have vested interest in Media Cos and Gas basins as alleged by Delhi CM!!) and should have EXPOSED this alleged LOOT much ahead of Delhi CM, probably because of their busy schedule of FLIPKART journalism which will now take over with multiple windows opened in the evening as usual  to add more and more “TRP” to their Media Channels, but REMEMBER NOT TO UTTER A WORD OF QPA AND CANNING!!

3.     This is exactly why all parties are strongly UNITED against RTI scrutiny of UNKNOWN sources of Funding of Political Parties (75% Income of 6 National Parties between 2004-2012 from unknown sources) as exposed by ADR :!topic/national-election-watch/9-BTrUugayU EVEN IF THESE PARTIES CLAIM TO BE SERVING THE AAM AADMI WITH THE DONATION THEY RECEIVE FROM AAM AADMI !!

Now an evaluation of why QPA on Highest Chairs of India is a missing TOOL in Indian Governance for FACILITATING LOOT to happen and its IMPACT, had it been in existence :

a)     EMPLOYER of these Govt and its Ministers means AAM AADMI has every right to know how their elected Netas are taking decisions regarding major issues that involve Country’s Precious Resources (like oil, gas, mining etc) and this can be possible IF AND ONLY IF QPA IS IN FORCE!!!

b)    Take an example of sudden HIKE in Pre-fixed Gas sell price to NTPC, if QPA was in place, the QPA report would have exposed it right at its inception and thus the entire nation would have expressed its consent or refusal to such decision and same logic apply for all decision making procedure of a Govt (obviously with few exceptions related to national security) that automatically gets validated by AAM AADMI, IF AND ONLY IF QPA IS IN FORCE!!!

c)     In the name of Development, BILLIONS are granted in every budget out of which a peanut amount go to AAM AADMI’s welfare while major chunk spent to provide “WINDFALL GAIN” to Industrialists who in turn fill the pocket of PARTY FUND and its MEMBERS under protection of allowing donation from UNDISCLOSED SOURCES which is evident from ADR website given above; this can be stopped instantly IF AND ONLY IF QPA IS IN FORCE!!!

d)    Thus QPA has the tooth to bite bullets before it kills the nation whereas LOKPAL/JANLOKPAL/CBI can bite the bullet after it kills the nation which means LOOT IS COMPLETE!!!

First time after 66 Yrs of Independence, a Delhi CM has proved his GUTS to name Central Ministers and Industrialist openly in Media alleging the NEXUS between them (probably validating the 66Yrs old practice of accepting bribe in the form of donation coming from UNKNOWN sources of Funding to Political Parties) simply because neither their name appear in ADR LIST OF NATION’s PRIDE 1460 LALLUs and their parties GLORIFYING the SANCTITY of HIGHEST CHAIRS IN LS/RS/VS :!topic/national-election-watch/fJrs_VoRbLw!!! NOR their party fund receive UNKNOWN sources of Funding as mentioned in above URL!!!

No, this blog does not go into typical mud-slinging blaming ministers and industrialists as this blogger’s introspection proudly declare that given an opportunity, this blogger would have LOOTED the booty in the same way (or rather at a much higher degree) simply because of 3 reasons :

1. This blogger is neither GANDHI BAPU nor GOD/KHUDA/Raja Harishchandra to resist the temptation of LOOT when this country offer him its LEFT-OPEN TIJORI with CRORES to be LOOTED!!

2. If this blogger in remotest possibility could have resisted the temptation of LOOT, then someone else would have LOOTED, leaving this blogger  SUCKING his THUMB - BETTER this blogger  LOOT before anyone else!!

3. In absence of QPA and CANNING, there is nothing to be frightened of except 7 Yrs in Jail if caught, that too with all luxury provided in Jail itself as evident with The Great Lallu enjoying the same luxury in jail : !!!

Thus once again a COMMENT of an eminent South-East Asian Leader is so relevant to our nation : “ALL PROBLEMS IN INDIA ARE SELF-CREATED”!!!

Moreover, here are some URL that has already justified the necessity of QPA and CANNING in stopping the LOOT and RAPE of our nation, but never found a debate platform with Media Honchos busy in their FLIPKART journalism :

2011 :

Monday, 3 February 2014

If AAP too fail to impose QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on their Govt before 2014 election, they will also prove to the Nation that they are no way different to their 66Yrs old predecessors and it’s a matter of only 5 Yrs that they too will appear in the list of Association Of Democratic Reform (ADR), glorifying the LIST OF LALLUs!!

Issue is not :
1.  Which party has powerful slogan on Economic reforms, Foreign Policy, FDI retail, sound defence
budget !!!
2.  Which party has more focus on women empowerment, decision taken by MPs instead of few people,
RTI !!
3.  Media Honchos avoiding to talk about QPA and Canning but every evening generating “TRP” at any cost, be it at the expense of demanding apology for Communal Riot from Leaders (as if an apology will ensure no further riot in India) or  thru POPULIST ANARCHY slogan or thru One month performance review of AAP which they never did for other Govt ever since independence!!
4.  Regional parties already declaring themselves as “KINGMAKER” that will ensure coalition blackmail for another 5 Yrs, as if last 66 Yrs were not enough!!!
5.  Populist Anarchy becoming a substitute for governance!!
6.  Govt. becoming a Charity Shop only when SUBSIDY given to POWER and PAANI, that too for 3 months and  permanent SUBSIDY increase from 9 to 12 Gas Cylinders become SOCIAL WELFARE!!!
7.  Annual event of Onion Price rise for obvious reasons…………..!!
8.  Communal riot followed by “NAGIN DANCE”!!!
9.  MLA/MPs foreign holiday in disguise of “STUDY TOUR”!!!
10.  Dignified silence maintained by both CM of WB and President of India over KHAP diktat GANG RAPE, so that no catastrophic danger for our nation can happen POST-2014 election due to Fractured mandate expected from us AAM AADMI in spite of President belonging to same District where KHAP ordered Rape in front of whole village !!!

ISSUE at the end of 66 Yrs of Independence still remain ONE and ONLY ONE and that is :
A)  How many more years (as if 66 Yrs not enough!!) we, AAM AADMI are going to GIFT the new formed coalition Govt. yet another 5Yrs FULL and FREE ACCESS to country’s LEFT-OPEN (ever since Independence) TIJORI, without creating any provision to LOCK it even after 66Yrs of LOOT which could have been done easily by imposing QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Highest Chairs of India and CANNING for Rape/Acid attack/Bomb Blast/Communal Riot Criminals!!

History shows that fund allotted for Economic reforms, Foreign Policy, FDI retail, sound defence budget never reach AAM AADMI’s welfare, it
fills the pocket of Party Fund and its members (vide above URL of ADR)  thru numerous scams like Fodder,2G,Irrigation,Chopper etc etc etc………………….!!!

Hence, can we AAM AADMI afford to make the same mistake we are doing since last 66 Yrs? Even before we go to Poll, why we can’nt force the existing Govt to make necessary amendment for imposing
QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Highest Chairs of India and CANNING for Rape/Acid attack/Bomb Blast/Communal Riot Criminals!!

If we can successfully PLUG the LOOP-HOLE of LOOTING nation’s wealth by imposing QPA and CANNING, NATION will have enough fund in hand for granting subsidy in the name of Power,Pani and Gas, although its not a permanent solution!!!

Time has come for us to see and read beyond the lines, shown by Media Honchos in their every evening FLIPKART show else be ready to watch the continuance of 66Yrs old LOOT as usual and add more and more
“TRP” to your Media Channels!!

Needless to mention, if AAP too fail to impose QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on their Govt before 2014 election, they will also prove to the Nation that they are no way different to their 66Yrs old predecessors and it’s a matter of 5 Yrs that they too will appear in the list of Association Of Democratic Reform (ADR), glorifying the LIST OF LALLUs as done by others vide above URL!!

How does it matter whether Cong or BJP or AAP or for that matter any damn party come to power after 2014 election using coalition politics (rather call it coalition blackmail) as We, AAM AADMI are going to GIFT the new formed Govt. yet another FULL and FREE ACCESS to country’s LEFT-OPEN (ever since Independence) TIJORI, without creating any provision to LOCK it even after 66Yrs which could have been done easily by imposing QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Highest Chairs of India and CANNING for Rape/Acid attack/Bomb Blast/Communal Riot Criminals!!!!!

Jago AAM AADMI jago!!!

Yes, in our personal life, we ensure that our own TIJORI (be it at home or in bank) is always locked, but when it comes to country’s TIJORI, we AAM AADMI GIFT country’s LEFT-OPEN (ever since Independence) TIJORI to these coalition Govt born out of coalition politics (rather call it DIRTY coalition blackmail) without making any effort to LOCK it even after 66Yrs, 
IGNORING the very fact that there are still “n” number of LALLUs waiting eagerly to enter LS/RS/VS to GLORIFY the SANCTITY of our Governance system with their 66Yrs old expertise to LOOT AAM AADMI’s wealth and criminal background as exposed by ADR : LIST OF NATION’s PRIDE 1460 more LALLUs and their parties GLORIFYING the SANCTITY of HIGHEST CHAIRS IN LS/RS/VS :!topic/national-election-watch/fJrs_VoRbLw!!!

What is common in all these parties when they come to power, they fail (or rather refuse) to impose QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Highest Chairs of India (leave aside CANNING for Rape/Acid attack/Bomb Blast/Communal Riot Criminals which is a distant dream), simply because everybody want FULL and FREE ACCESS to country’s LEFT-OPEN (ever since Independence) TIJORI for 66Yrs old LOOT to continue!!!

If they have GUTS, they could have agreed to REVEAL source of their FREE INFLOW of fund into their pocket as exposed by ADR : UNKNOWN & KNOWN sources of Funding of Political Parties (75% Income of 6 National Parties between 2004-2012 from unknown sources) :!topic/national-election-watch/9-BTrUugayU!!!