Thursday, 30 January 2014

If a KHAP diktat GANG RAPE in WB and AAP Minister’s Midnight Raid (or so called “POPULIST ANARCHY” slogan created by these Media Honchos) in Delhi occur during same period, what should be the highest degree of concern for HIGHEST CHAIRS OF INDIA?

Yes, During same period back2back these two events happened, it is the NATION who need to decide what should be of GRAVE CONCERN for an Hon’ble SUPREME HIGHEST CHAIR OF INDIA, is it  KHAP diktat GANG RAPE  of a TRIBAL GIRL in front of whole village OR apprehended DANGER our NATION is going to face after 66Yrs of Independence due to POPULIST ANARCHY mechanism which are as under :

1.     Fractured mandate can be catastrophic for nation.

2.     Corruption is a cancer that erodes Democracy.

3.     Populist Anarchy cannot be a substitute for governance.

4.     Govt. is not a Charity Shop.

Now compare above apprehended danger to KHAP diktat GANG RAPE in WB which are as under :

a)     66Yrs is not enough to take action against these KANGAROO COURT run by state sponsored Goons acting in disguise of Village Panchayat due to vote bank politics.

b)    Dignified silence (on this  KHAP diktat GANG RAPE) maintained by both Hon’ble SUPREME HIGHEST CHAIR OF INDIA and CM of WB is obviously justified and necessary for the sake of our nation that can be saved at least from one of the above FOUR listed DANGER which is No.1., so what if the Hon’ble SUPREME HIGHEST CHAIR OF INDIA belong to the same district where this  KHAP diktat GANG RAPE happened.

Why Dignified silence (on this  KHAP diktat GANG RAPE in WB) need to be maintained by both Hon’ble President of INDIA and CM of WB is best explained by some eminent journalist which was analyzed in earlier blog as under :!!!

Is there still any doubt left or any debate required as to why we have to impose QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Highest Chairs of India for eradicating above DANGER No. 2,3 and 4 (excluding No.1 which is already taken care of by silence mechanism explained in Para b above), that too after 66Yrs of Independence!!!

What can bring justice to Riot victims, the TRP-Hungry Media Honchos demand for APOLOGY from Political Leaders OR by imposing QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Highest Chairs of India and CANNING for Rape/Acid attack/Bomb Blast/Communal Riot Criminals!!!

It seems 66Yrs is not enough to quench the thirst or appetites for TRP-Hungry Media Honchos who are even after 66Yrs SHAMELESSLY asking the same line like a broken record: “Will you apologize for the Riot”!!!

How does it matter if the so called LEADERS apologize, can their apology stop such inhuman act followed by “NAGIN DANCE” in future as happened recently in MUZAFFARNAGAR?

Its only QPA and CANNING that can act as a deterrent to such barabaric act which these Media Honchos are well aware of but never demand it in their FLIPKART show!!

The sole motive of these Media Honchos are to generate “TRP” at any cost (be it at the expense of demanding apology for Communal Riot or  POPULIST ANARCHY slogan) in their every evening open window session, RESULTING IN endless debate thru TRP oriented unconclusive journalism which is best PORTRAYED in recent FLIPKART Ad!!!

Moreover, why should these leaders apologize when our Governance System has left the LOOPHOLE open (by not imposing QPA and Canning) for LOOTING Nation’s asset (which is certainly a better option than Govt. becoming a Charity Shop in the hands of AAP) and perform “NAGIN DANCE” on the dead body of Riot Victims!!!

For bread-n-butter and survival of Media channels, “TRP” is must and Yes, the Media Honchos have every right to generate TRP for their channels at any cost, but that should not be the SOLE MOTIVE of Media Honchos; Hence AAM AADMI demand a bit of sacrifice from you guys as people are SICK TO WATCH the SATTIRE (of TRP oriented unconclusive TimePass journalism) that is correctly portrayed by recent FLIPKART ad!!

JAGO MEDIA HONCHOS JAGO AS 66 Yrs is enough and now at least shift 10% focus from TRP to AAM AADMI (who generate TRP for your channel)  and raise the debate (if not demand imposing QPA) of
QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on National Platform that can carry forward the cleansing process initiated by AAP after 66Yrs of Independence, result of which is clearly visible from Media Honchos now started evaluating ONE MONTH performance of AAP which not only uplift the standard of governance but also expose a bitter truth that NO EARLIER RULING GOVT IN INDIA WERE SUBJECTED TO ONE MONTH performance AUDIT!!!

Such evaluation used to happen after full FIVE YEARS of any Govt in Power, thus allowing the ruling party to have enough time to complete the “LOOT” which by default come to them due to country’s left open TIJORI, in absence of QPA and CANNING.

ONCE AGAIN WE PLEAD TO OUR MEDIA HONCHOS to act more responsibly on CONSTRUCTIVE and CONCLUSIVE RESULT-ORIENTED journalism (not FLIPKART journalism), rather than opening endless windows every evening and follow debates that yield no result except “TRP” for their own channels!!!

An EVALUATION of the impending catastrophic danger for our nation as expressed by Hon’ble President of India and its ONE AND ONLY MITIGATING process QPA ignored ever since Independence!!!

List of impending catastrophic danger are as under :

1.  Fractured mandate can be catastrophic for nation:
This is nothing new and already a proven fact for which Good Governance got sacrificed at the expense of “COMPROMISE to remain in Power”. Time has come to switch to Multi-Party Governance due to fractured mandate coming from across the country (even after British Raj left) and mandate getting divided in the name of Religion.
Needless to mention that QPA is must for single or Multi-Party Governance, else we allow continuity of 66Yrs LOOT in the name of development.

Time has come to find a suitable alternative to HUNG MANDATE as our nation neither can afford to have repeat election NOR can have the same old rotten toothless impotent governance due to coalition politics!

2.  Corruption is a cancer that erodes Democracy:
It erodes nation’s asset as well in the form of LOOT happening since last 66Yrs. Only
QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Highest Chairs of India and CANNING for Rape/Acid attack/Bomb Blast/Communal Riot Criminals can cure this disease which no ruling party dare impose till date.
3.  Populist Anarchy cannot be a substitute for governance:
Since 66Yrs (when there was no populist anarchy!!), we had a toothless impotent governance that cannot even punish a Juvenile criminal who extract human organ from the rape victim’s body by hand after Rape, leave aside KHAP DICTAT GANG RAPE. The right slogan should be “Without
QPA and Canning, good Governance is another 66Yrs away from AAM AADMI”.

4.Govt. is not a Charity Shop:
               Good Governance does not mean powerful slogan on Economic reforms, Foreign Policy, FDI retail,                      sound defence budget without PLUGGING THE LEFT-OPEN LOOPHOLE(Without QPA and Canning)                BEHIND FOR CONTINUING THE 66Yrs LOOT AT BACK-END (which is surely a worst option than                      Govt. becoming a Charity Shop in the hands of AAP, that too for 3Mnths) WHILE GRANT CRORES IN                FRONT-END IN THE NAME OF REFORM/AID that fill the pocket of Leaders, parties instead of                    reaching AAM AADMI, result of which is clearly visible from following URL published by ADR :

LIST OF NATION’s PRIDE 1460 more LALLUs and their parties GLORIFYING the SANCTITY of HIGHEST CHAIRS IN LS/RS/VS:!topic/national-election-watch/fJrs_VoRbLw  
UNKNOWN & KNOWN sources of Funding of Political Parties (75% Income of 6 National Parties between 2004-2012 from unknown sources)

Why Dignified silence (on this  KHAP diktat GANG RAPE in WB) need to be maintained by both Hon’ble President of INDIA and CM of WB is best explained by some eminent journalist which was analyzed in earlier blog as under :

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Yes, Somnath Bharti is a FOOL to make such stupid mistake which none of his predecessors ever did since last 66 Yrs of Independence!!!

What was the necessity of spending time on the streets (that too in Midnight), once you are elected, all you need to do is spend more time in making decisions in A/C Cabin, make plan how to LOOT nation’s asset and appear every evening FLIPKART journalism show conducted by Media Honchos who will be more than happy to get you as a COMPONENT to enhance their much needed TRP!!!
If I was Somnath Bharti, what I would have done is joining hands with Local SHO and taken my share of PIE and slept a good night sleep under the cozy comfort of FOREIGN made razai and ensured that every month I get my PIE on my table as happening since last 66 Yrs!!

Issue is not what NCW, DCW or for that matter 66yrs old political parties were doing (or rather still doing) when Under-Trial Criminals are ruining the SACTITY of LS/RS/VS, Acid attack on 15 year old Tuba from Bihar, Sonali from WB, Bride from Ludhiana, Rape of Nirbhaya in Delhi, recent double gang Rape with BURNING the victim ALIVE in WB, SHAMELESS of all is KHAP dictat in WB for GANG-RAPING a tribal girl...................

Yes, this blog does not go into vicious circle of ACCUSATION NOR it blames the INACTIVE role played by NCW/DCW who could not even bring changes in JUVENILE PUNISHMENT during the entire ONE YEAR TRIAL PERIOD OF NIRBHAYA!!!
All this blog does is simply highlight following 3 aspects of Somnath Bharti incident:
Ø  Act of Somnath is nowhere near the degree of crime mentioned above, rather he has left his cosy comfort of home and supported the year old neglected complaint of a Delhi Locality, thus CREATING NEW DEFINITION OF MINISTER’S ROLE and RESPONSIBILITY which during last 66 Yrs so called NETAs FAILED TO PROVIDE TO AAM AADMI!!

Ø  Somnath Bharti’s name does not appear in the ADR LIST OF NATION’s PRIDE 1460 LALLUs (whom I want to join for LOOTING AAM AADMI’s money provided there is no QPA and CANNING!!) and their parties GLORIFYING the SANCTITY of HIGHEST CHAIRS IN LS/RS/VS :!topic/national-election-watch/fJrs_VoRbLw??

Ø  Very much UNLIKE DOUBLE STANDARDS practiced by Hon’ble LS/RS members  by crying for justice in LS/RS and at the same time be member of POLITICAL PARTIES who are PROUD TO HAVE both CONVICTED AND UNDERTRIAL CRIMINALS IN THEIR MEMBER LIST, neither Somnath Bharti nor his party AAP shed crocodile tears on Rape victims by sharing seats with members having criminal records: !!!

Finally, its universal truth that position of LOCAL SHO get auctioned for aspirants (who pay massive amount bribe to get such posting, fact of which was even shown in a Bollywood movie where a constable was conducting such auction) who in turn given target to achieve(very much like corporate business) for which these LOCAL SHO provide support (resulting in ignorance to Local Residents complaints as happened in delhi Locality) to all ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES against CASH BRIBE shared by right from a constable to ……………. Everybody knows and that’s why ADR site show UNKNOWN & KNOWN sources of Funding of Political Parties (75% Income of 6 National Parties between 2004-2012 from unknown sources) :!topic/national-election-watch/9-BTrUugayU!!!

Saturday, 11 January 2014

“GIVE ME BLOOD” was the slogan used by both NETAJI SUBHASH CHANDRA BOSE and this UPwalla NETAJI, but UNFORTUNATELY NETAJI BOSE took our blood for giving us FREEDOM (which still AAM AADMI never had after 66Yrs) AND FORTUNATELY this UPwalla NETAJI used the same blood from Riot Victims/childrens Dead Body and successfully delivered BAAP-BETA NAGIN DANCE!!!

NATION should apologize to NETAJI SUBHASH CHANDRA BOSE for MISUSING his title “NETAJI” on a regional politician of UP whose NAGIN DANCE over Riot Victims/childrens Dead Body has made the Nation PROUD!!

Hence, my sincere heartfelt APOLOGY to NETAJI SUBHASH CHANDRA BOSE, just hope he is alive, his soul does not get the INSULT and forgive us AAM AADMI for using his Title on a regional politician of UP whose politics (or rather call it BAAP-BETA NAGIN DANCE) over Riot Victims/childrens Dead Body is nothing to be ASHAMED of, rather we should be proud of such GREAT USE OF A TITLE that make this regional politician of UP very much AT PAR with our Great Freedom Fighter NETAJI SUBHASH CHANDRA BOSE!!!

After such great achievement of  UPwalla NETAJI, how could we blame him, rather the entire NATION should give him and his son some NATIONAL AWARD like “PADMASHREE” for spending AAM AADMI’s Money for NATIONAL CAUSE which is shaking the beautiful body of Bollywood Stars (instead of giving relief to riot victims)!!!

Is there still any doubt left or any debate required as to why we have to impose QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Highest Chairs of India with or without CANNING for stopping this LOOT, that too after 66Yrs of Independence!!!

66Yrs is TOO LITTLE time for all party, ever since Independence, to conduct such Janta Durbar for Public Grievance redressal meetings due to their busy schedule of LOOTING AAM AADMI’s Money, best example being Baap-Beta Nagin Dance in UP!!

Here are few suggestion for implementing Janta Durbar in a more systematic and accountable manner :

1.     Pl follow two mode of hearing public complaint : Online and Manual

2.     For online, best example is RTI online site (URL : which gives instant Receipt No and closing date. AAP should follow the same pattern so that maximum urban crowd can log Grievances online.

3.     Upon receiving complaint online, future course of action need to be decided thru BPR mechanism used in IT for which I am ready to assist, of course AAP will be having enough resources for that.

4.     Now Manual Process : must have a mechanism to receive Hard copy Grievances manually and enter them into system after which it will follow the same path mentioned above.

Face2Face Public Interaction is MUST :
Best way is to call fixed number of Complainant on fixed date in a public place where other people may come as audience only who will simply watch this Janta Durbar that will try to resolve the issue of only the invited complainants, rest will appear again upon next appointment but note that it has to be an open air platform, not a closed cabin so that AAP can prove to the Nation how clean and transparent GOVERNANCE can be administered DIFFERENTLY.

Friday, 10 January 2014

Why blame BOLLYWOOD stars for participating in “NAGIN DANCE” (to celebrate Netaji’s achievement in UP) as these stars can only insist participants of BIG BOSS house to take stand but in real life they themselves have no GUTS to take stand excepting when their pocket get filled with CRORES!!!

Media Honcho should mind their language as this Title “NAGIN DANCE” can only be applied when such dance is performed in Dance Bars whereas if the same Dance, be it Sheila Ki Jawani or Nagin Dance, performed by Bollywood Stars, it is a Cultural dance and National Event as AAM AADMI’s Money is being spent for shaking the beautiful body of Bollywood Stars, so what if few hundred people or children die out of communal riot or severe cold!!

The true face of these BOLLYWOOD stars are already exposed in earlier blogs (when they CREATED NAUTANKI in LS/RS by shedding tears and delivering emotional speeches during NIRBHAYA case) of 2012, URL as under :

1.     The CRYING & EMOTIONAL LOT of LS/RS members have joined politics after having NAME-FAME-DIGNITY in their past profession :
2.     SHAME ON DOUBLE STANDARDS practiced by Hon’ble LS/RS members  by crying for justice in LS/RS and at the same time be member of POLITICAL PARTIES who are PROUD TO HAVE both CONVICTED AND UNDERTRIAL CRIMINALS IN THEIR MEMBER LIST, HAVE GUTS, resign until your party KICK OUT all members with criminal records:


Must mention that EXCEPTION do exist and example is AAMIR KHAN who till date maintained his dignity (or rather uphold the standard of Bollywood Industry) by neither associating himself with these "NAGIN DANCE"(be it performed in BAAP-BETA palace or in any such cheap award function) for money NOR gone after cheap publicity by shedding tears (as others do vide above URL:SHAME ON DOUBLE STANDARDS....) while getting entry in LS/RS with the help of BAAP-BETA party and shamelessly share seat with UNDER-TRIAL Criminals!!!

Is there still any doubt left or any debate required as to why we have to impose QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Highest Chairs of India with or without CANNING for stopping this LOOT, that too after 66Yrs of Independence!!!

If those Politicians are enjoying holiday abroad and Netaji with his son njoying Nagin dance over Riot Victims Dead Body, then these Media Honchos and their channels are equally RESPONSIBLE to focus and exploit such incidents of LOOT (ever since Independence) over same Riot Victims Dead Body for generating TRP through its Time-Pass unconclusive FLIPKART journalism show by maintaining RIDICULOUS SILENCE on preventive measures like QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) and CANNING!!!

Yes, both Politicians and Media Honchos are walking over Riot Victims/childrens Dead Body for their own DIRTY TARGET – Politicians for LOOT and Media Honchos for generating TRP!!!

Of course, it’s the moral responsibility of Media Honchos and their channels to expose such LOOT in Media, but that does not mean they will simply focus on GENERATING TRP and ignore the debate on imposing preventive measures like QPA and CANNING!!!

In fact, Media Honchos should be grateful that the Politicians provide them enough MASALA every evening for generating TRP through its Time-Pass unconclusive FLIPKART journalism show!!! Now let me expose the FLIPSIDE of these FLIPKART journalism show.

Politicians can be excused for their target which is “LOOT AAM AADMI’s money” as it’s a tradition in Indian Governance since 66Yrs, but look at our high profile Media Honchos whose sole TARGET now has become to exploit such incidents of LOOT and generate TRP out of it (which is the FLIPSIDE of these FLIPKART journalism show) for their respective channel so that on National Media they can proudly declare that “I AM NUMBER ONE” – UNDOUBTEDLY its AAM AADMI who get RAPED/KILLED for such CALLOUS and IRRESPONSIBLE act of Media Honchos, why blame the Politicians, they have birth right and our Governance system allow them to LOOT this Nation’s Asset, be it thru Foreign Trip, Nagin dance, Belly Dance or Cabaret Dance and their portfolio come with a PACKAGE DEAL of entire 5 Years free amenities (right from LAUNDRY to CAAAR)!!!

If our Governance system has a loophole by which a political party can LOOT AAM AADMI’s money, be it for Foreign Trip, Nagin dance, Belly Dance or Cabaret Dance, what should be the priority of Media Honchos- shouting in FLIPKART journalism show for TRP or debate on imposing preventive measures like QPA and CANNING, simply because all ruling parties, ever since Independence, never showed GUTS to impose QPA on their very own Govt so that LOOT can continue, hence the expectation is from Media Honchos as they are the only platform that can highlight the necessity of QPA and CANNING!!

If at all the Media Honchos and their channels are so concerned about this LOOT, why the HELL they remain silent all these years over such preventive measures like QPA and CANNING which this blogger is pleading to implement since 2010.

It seems 66 YEARS is still not enough for our NETAs to LOOT country’s LEFT-OPEN TIJORI (god knows why left open all these years!!)
66 YEARS is still not good enough to create a FRAMEWORK that can effectively plug such left open loopholes by using the one and only TOOL QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) with or without CANNING!
AND above all,
66 YEARS is still not good enough for MEDIA HONCHOS to demand QPA and CANNING and that’s exactly why its SHAME on our MEDIA HONCHOs (rather than Netas) who are not even ashamed of practicing FLIPKART journalism over the Dead Bodies of Innocent Children and Riot Victims in UP!!

Any AAM AADMI (including myself) will become a FRANKENSTEIN when I know that there is no QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) to assess my performance during the entire tenure of 5 Years that allow LOOT to happen in disguise of “STUDY TOUR” or “FODDER-2G-COALGATE scam”!!!

Is there still any doubt left or any debate required as to why we have to impose QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Highest Chairs of India with or without CANNING for stopping this LOOT, that too after 66Yrs of Independence!!!

Wednesday, 8 January 2014


Have you ever heard parents dumping their few months old baby to an orphanage (or for that matter gave their struggling unemployed SON a DEADLINE of 30Days to pack off from their house) simply because they cannot compromise their privacy due to their growing son who has become a NUISANCE and troubling the parents in their day2day Life???

Yes, above behavior is shocking and all the more difficult to digest if Parents come from rich families!!

But we are so used to vice-versa scenario to above situation and treat it as nothing shocking and very easy to digest as a common behavior (too common nowadays in Rich families) when we hear a person after marriage dumping his parents (to die either in a separate home or in an old age home) for the same reason that his parents could have dumped the person when he was born OR during his struggling unemployed student days!!!

Nothing shocking if Children after growing up, avoid the responsibility of looking after their parents (by dumping them either in a separate home or in an old age home to die) who never do the same after mother give birth to a child when they could have dumped their child to any orphanage!!!

But Shocking fact is that above dumping of parents happen in Rich families (living in 3-4BHK or Bunglows in India or abroad) whereas people living in SLUMS even today stay with their parents in a single room with a SAREE or BEDSHEET used as a divider wall between parents and their Son’s family!!!
Lets create SEVEN scenarios and realize its natural effect 
on an INDIVIDUAL who must assess the aftermath of same behavior if practiced by his Parents and compare them in a “SHOCKING” chart as under :
SHOCKING CHART depicting both “NO SHOCK” if practiced by SON on his parents and “HIGHLY SHOCKING” if same Behavior practiced by PARENTS on their Sons.
SL No.
Behavior practiced by a PERSON which is neither shocking nor difficult to Digest even if Person is rich.
Same Behavior practiced by PARENTS which is absolutely shocking and difficult to Digest, irrespective of Parents being rich or poor!!!
Dumping old Parents to separate home or in an old age home simply because they cannot compromise their newly married privacy being violated by the TANTRUMS created by the parents.
Son has no choice but to send back his mother as one month is enough for old mother to stay with her son. The silent eyes of Mother-Son express the untold pain to each other! 

Son cries behind a tea stall (as mother’s train leave the platform)
thanking mother for not ever asking money for his upbringing, not ever setting a DEADLINE of 30Days to pack off from her house(else bring money), and tolerate all his nuisance during his struggling unemployed student days and above all for not sending him off to a distant place (like hostel)  to enjoy her own personal life and privacy!!
Dumping a Few months old baby to an orphanage simply because they cannot compromise their newly married privacy being violated by the TANTRUMS of the Child.


Mother asking for money from son for his upbringing days OR gave her SON a DEADLINE of 30Days to pack off from her house as his presence was interrupting her personal life and privacy  during her son’s growing up struggling days!!!
Find excuses for refusing to tag along his parents to his house in India or abroad as his privacy rule supreme over parents desperate wish to see his house or Grand Children, if failed to find excuses, then must pack up parents and dump them back to where they came from latest by 30 Days, else utensils start banging to each other in kitchen.
Refuse to tag along his child for holiday in India or abroad as their  privacy rule supreme over child/son/daughter’s desperate wish to see a new place along with their parents.
Person asking wife whether to send money to his parents or not, even when Parents are hospitalized.
Father asking mother whether to send money to his child/son/daughter, when they are studying abroad or in Indian colleges.
During sickness, Parents get admitted in Govt Hospital while his wife get admitted in FORTIS.
During sickness, child/son/daughter admitted in Govt Hospital while his wife get admitted in FORTIS. Non-shocking is reverse scenario.
Spend millions in marriage of his son while same marriage day if parents fall sick, no money to pay for his/her medicine, even if the Person inherit his ancestral business created by his parents.
Spend millions in wife’s marriage anniversary while same anniversary day if child/son/daughter fall sick, no money to pay for their medicine.
Father giving away his 90% share in family business to his son and nephew, keeping only 10% in his wife’s name and after father’s death his son and nephew liquidate mother’s share of 10% and divide it amongst themselves (son and nephew).
Father giving away his 90% share in family business to his wife and UNMARRIED Daughters and leave only 10% for his son and nephew.
Sons claiming every penny of their father’s property/asset but vice-versa is just not possible.
Father claiming every penny of son’s property/asset but vice-versa is just not possible.

After Introspection, I do realize why few handful Sons thank their mother for neither asking money from their son during his upbringing days NOR gave her SON a DEADLINE of 30Days to pack off from her house as his presence was interrupting mum’s personal life and privacy  during her son’s growing up struggling days; thus fully justifying the son’s crave for finding peace in sleeping on their mother’s lap or repent for not serving their ailing father!!!


Moral of the story is you can achieve your dream but no dream is complete without fulfilling your dream of sleeping on your old mother’s lap which will never remain with you forever, hence make use of it most in your lifetime ELSE repent forever!!!

Do'nt Miss Attached Image and Video file that summarize what Big B’s Baghban revealed!!!

Monday, 6 January 2014

How does it matter whether AAP Chief stay in a Duplex Bunglow or a small flat as long as he provide CLEAN and TRANSPARENT GOVERNANCE which will report back to his employer AAM AADMI about his Govt’s day2day PERFORMANCE, provided AAP show the GUTS to impose QPA and using the report of QPA make use of the concept of downgrading its very own “MINISTER” to “MINISTER-ON PROBATION” sign which no earlier Govt dare did during their RAJ of 66Yrs!!!

Does staying in his own house (after refusing Govt Duplex Bunglow) can GUARANTEE that AAP Chief will deliver what is expected out of his team which is CLEAN and TRANSPARENT GOVERNANCE that PERIODICALLY report back to his employer AAM AADMI (yes, this was the dream concept of ANNAJI) about their  PERFORMANCE which is possible only by IMPOSING QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on its very own Govt???

The two states of India, West Bengal and Tripura, are the biggest examples where THE RULING CHIEF stay in their own house and yet failed to provide development and CLEAN GOVERNANCE to its people. All that they provided to its people till date is how many Political Rally/Meetings organized by DROP OF THE HAT and blame their opposition for conspiracy against Govt (even when a rape victim burnt alive or her head smashed by STATE SPONSORED HOOLIGANS who are supported by High ranking Govt officials like SP or OC) and proudly continue the LEGACY of STATE SPONSORED HOOLIGANISM since last 25/30Yrs when its other neighboring states like BIHAR and ORISSA have left them far behind in terms of development, although not in terms of CLEAN and TRANSPARENT GOVERNANCE.

Height of such STATE SPONSORED HOOLIGANISM (in above two states) is all the more evident from the recent rally taken out in KOLKATA, shamelessly putting the buck on Conspiracy theory as usual, INSTEAD of sacking the High ranking Govt officials like SP or OC who were instrumental in hijacking the body and even tried to burn it without Death certificate!!

Such rally only encourage the criminals who are fully aware that the STATE will hide them behind sickening conspiracy theory, rather than providing Good Governance which could have come by sacking SP or OC who OBVIOUSLY ACTED AS PER THEIR highcommand instruction and hence naturally could not be sacked FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, thanks to the Great Tool of "Conspiracy Theory"!! 

Must Thank God as our Delhi is not ruled by the rulers of above two states whose common minimum agenda is to always take shelter behind the Great Tool of "Conspiracy Theory" which can take care of any such MAL-GOVERNANCE and at the same time protect the Crminal Party Cadres!!!

Time has come to show the Nation what “POLITICS” AAP chief wanted to teach to other parties which is nothing but  a QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) report of AAP Govt published for the knowledge of its EMPLOYER AAM AADMI very much like our Corporate Inc. publish their Qly result for its Share Holders.

If Corporate India can publish their Qly result for their Share Holders, why the HELL HIGHEST CHAIRS of India will not do the same for its EMPLOYER AAM AADMI who has every right to know how their elected Netas are performing and above all ANNAJI’s (or rather AAM AADMI’s) dream will come true the day these Elected Netas report their day2day activity on CCTV footage which will keep track of their every second spent for Good Governance, although it’s a remote possibility!!!

Hence, we AAM AADMI are least interested whether AAP Govt avail of their amenities or not, ALL WE EXPECT from AAP is that they rise above these cheap publicity gimmicks and show its GUTS by IMPOSING QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on its very own Govt to give birth to the concept of “MINISTER-ON PROBATION” (which was best explained in earlier blog : prove to the nation that AAP not only audit Jal board or Power Cos, but also they have the GUTS to audit performance of its own Ministers and publish their Performance result for their EMPLOYER AAM AADMI periodically thru QPA, very much UNLIKE their predecessors who never dared to do so since last 66 Yrs for obvious reasons best explained in ADR website (URL given in earlier blogs)!!!

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Media Honchos definition of Politics got RE-DEFINED by KEJRIWAL statement-“WE SHALL TEACH THEM POLITICS”!!!

Yes, issue is what come first EGG or CHICKEN!!!
Can GOVERNANCE be administered without practicing POLITICS or Vice-Versa??

Till today, Politics not only meant what we see exactly across India, even not random LOOT of National Asset in the name of Governance, just two event is sufficient to describe the meaning of Politics since last 66Yrs till today which is “GANDHAGI”  : the two events are SHAMELESS UNITY of LS/RS/VS members on RTI exclusion issue and passing ordinance to allow criminals in LS/RS/VS!!!

Yes, “GANDHAGI” was the meaning of Politics ever since Independence which was also in the mindset of Media Honchos and that’s why our great Media Honcho made it an issue (certainly for TRP generation), missing the very fact that the meaning of POLITICS is slowly but steadily changing!!!

And very much like how above two event justified the meaning of POLITICS as “GANDHAGI”, here are silent happening of another TWO recent event that will RE-DEFINE the meaning of Politics :

Ø Ramlilla Maidan got filled up by AAM AADMI who came spontaneously at their own expenses without any AAP offer of money-food-Desi daru-free travel (of course Dhikkar to AAP for breaking the tradition of all political rallies ever since independence!!!) by misusing Train, Buses and Trucks VERY MUCH UNLIKE other parties who think its their Birth-Right to misuse national resources for any political rallies, be it election victory or campaign.
Ø A small news appearing in TOI dated 02-01-2014, I QUOTE- Funds,recruits pour in as AAP grabs eyeballs-UNQUOTE.  Probably after 66Yrs of Independence, first time Respectable Dignitaries (like V Balakrishnan of Infy/ Meera Sanyal,India CEO of RBS/ Adarsh Shastri, Apples head of sales in western India) giving up their job for joining POLITICS through AAP very much UNLIKE earlier news of some Leader with criminal record announcing to join another party who is also not ASHAMED of accepting him with his criminal record!!!
I hope above two events are good enough for Media Honcho to realize what “Politics” exactly Kejriwal tried to teach to other parties whose true identity still remain exposed even today after 66Yrs by ADR (Association Of Democratic Reform) :
LIST OF LALLUs :!topic/national-election-watch/fJrs_VoRbLw 
UNKNOWN & KNOWN sources of Funding of Political Parties (75% Income of 6 National Parties between 2004-2012 from unknown sources)
:!topic/national-election-watch/9-BTrUugayU to reveal the identity of these NATION’s PRIDE 1460 more LALLUs (whom I want to join provided there is no QPA and CANNING!!) and their parties GLORIFYING the SANCTITY of HIGHEST CHAIRS IN LS/RS/VS,

When Anna Movement started, the entire Team Anna tried to clean the dirt of bad governance without entering into politics.

Its Arvind Kejriwal and his AAP who proved today that you have to step into the SHT if you want to clean the SHT, by mere shouting SLOGAN, holding Rally, 66Yrs accumulated SHT stock can never get cleaned up!!!

JAGO AAP JAGO!! Your MASTER STROKE of imposing QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on your very own GOVT will be a FITTEST answer to all critics and shall expose why all your predecessors never dared to activate QPA on themselves!!!