Yes, During same period back2back these two events happened, it is
the NATION who need to decide what should be of GRAVE CONCERN for an Hon’ble
diktat GANG RAPE of a TRIBAL GIRL in
front of whole village OR apprehended DANGER our NATION is going to face after
66Yrs of Independence due to POPULIST ANARCHY mechanism which are as under :
1. Fractured mandate can be catastrophic for nation.
2. Corruption is a cancer that erodes Democracy.
3. Populist Anarchy cannot be a substitute for governance.
4. Govt. is not a Charity Shop.
Now compare above apprehended danger to KHAP diktat GANG RAPE in
WB which are as under :
a) 66Yrs is not enough to take action against these KANGAROO COURT
run by state sponsored Goons acting in disguise of Village Panchayat due to
vote bank politics.
b) Dignified silence (on this
KHAP diktat GANG RAPE) maintained by both Hon’ble SUPREME HIGHEST CHAIR
OF INDIA and CM of WB is obviously justified and necessary for the sake of our
nation that can be saved at least from one of the above FOUR listed DANGER
which is No.1., so what if the Hon’ble SUPREME HIGHEST CHAIR OF INDIA belong to
the same district where this KHAP diktat
GANG RAPE happened.
Dignified silence (on this KHAP
diktat GANG RAPE in WB) need to be maintained by both Hon’ble President of
INDIA and CM of WB is best explained by some eminent journalist which was
analyzed in earlier blog as under :!!!
Is there still any doubt left or any debate required as to why we have to impose QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Highest Chairs of India for eradicating above DANGER No. 2,3 and 4 (excluding No.1 which is already taken care of by silence mechanism explained in Para b above), that too after 66Yrs of Independence!!!