Sunday, 14 April 2013

How long our Media Honchos will remain SILENT over implementation of QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on HIGHEST CHAIRS OF INDIA which is the only PROFESSION in India where.....

Issue is not whether

  1. Mr. X or Y or Z instructed to divert water from Irrigation to Sugar Mills in Maharashtra or not!!!
  2. Rampant attack and vandalism after West Bengal CM humiliation can go UNPUNISHED just because Earlier ruler had done the same!!!
  3. GOONS and HOOLIGANS (whose faces are published in media) can break open the LOCK and vandalise a PREMIER INSTITUTION PRESIDENCY College and yet go UNPUNISHED!!!
  4. Delayed Justice in 1984 anti-Sikh riots further provoked 1993 Mumbai Riot or 2002 Gujarat riot !!!
  5. AAM AADMI’s money get LOOTED by Mr. X or Y or Z in multiple scam, be it thru 2G or Mining or LandGrab or Irrigation or Chopper!!! 
Issue is How long our Media Honchos will remain SILENT over following FOUR BASIC ISSUES that can kill the root of all above INJUSTICE inflicted upon AAM AADMI right since INDEPENDENCE :

  1. What is stopping Govt from passing legislation to KICK OUT the FAKE Raja Harishchandra type of LS/RS/VS members (WITH PENDING CRIMINAL CASES) from OUR COUNTRY’S SUPREME INSTITUTIONs like LOKSABHA / RAJYASABHA / VIDHANSABHA before 2014 election???
  2. What is stopping Govt from introducing QPA (QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT  that will enable any Govt. to reach the root of every scam at its very inception much before MEDIA reaches there) on HIGHEST CHAIRS of INDIA means MLA/MP/MINISTERS/Bureaucrats, specifically when CONCEPT OF PERFORM OR PERISH CAN APPLY TO PRIVATE/PUBLIC SECTOR, WHY CAN’NT BE APPLIED FOR THE HIGHEST CHAIRS OF INDIA??
  3. Can we afford to have the LUXURY of spending CRORES in ELECTION PROCESS (and after coming to power allow CRORES to be LOOTED for paying back to these CORPORATE DONORS whose identity never get revealed, THANKS to the secrecy act protecting the parties and ministers) which could have been spent for providing 3 basic amenities to Crores of POOR FAMILIES who does not even have SANITATION, SHELTER and DRINKING WATER when MANAGING ELECTION PROCESS AT FRACTION OF THE COST is possible.
    Detail of this Cutting cost in Election process are available at  since 2011.
  4. Why justice delivered in1993 Bomb Blast after 20 Yrs when America delivered justice in 09/11 blast within one year? Even a mother knows that she will deliver a baby after NINE MONTHS / school-college knows to deliver its Degree after a Fixed period / even Parliament knows to dissolve itself after FIVE YEARS, but probably our JUDICIAL SYSTEM is the only INSTITUTION where NEITHER OUR Honb’le JUDICIARY NOR WE AAM AADMI EVER KNOW WHEN JUSTICE WILL BE DELIVERED, Thanks to our JUDICIAL SYSTEM where no TIME-BOUND verdict is mandated resulting in NEVER-ENDING LITIGATION process which ultimately RE-ITERATE “JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE DENIED”.  Its not Delayed Justice in 1984 anti-Sikh riots that provoked other riots, it is MISSING QPA or TIMELINE in our age-old judicial system that encourage external or internal terrorist to create havoc in our soil, yet go UNPUNISHED!!!
Above can be achieved only by CONCLUSIVE and RESULT-ORIENTED JOURNALISM and a bit of sacrifice from these Media Honchos who can easily shift focus from “TIMEPASS” journalism to above mode for the sake of AAM AADMI.
Now, Let me explain why these Evening window sessions are “TIMEPASS” simply because 80% of it are UN-CONCLUSIVE JOURNALISM and not result oriented at all.

If QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA)was in place, the very next day (after attending your Evening window sessions) the PERFORMANCE DATA would have forced these political BIGWIGS to leave their “KURSI” for another guy from his very own party to take over the same KURSI, thus creating healthy competition in HIGHEST CHAIRS OF INDIA where it’s a complete MONOPOLY rule of a MINISTER who never face “PERFORM or PERISH” mantra as faced by all in other professions.

Its only MEDIA that can mobilise support for introduction of QPA on HIGHEST CHAIRS OF INDIA ELSE everyday the outcome of FRUITFUL DEBATE in Evening Window Session will go down the drain for this MISSING mechanism that only can enforce “PERFORM or PERISH” mantra on these occupiers of Highest Chairs of India!!!