Wednesday, 20 February 2013

SEVEN BASIC QUESTIONs TO ASK IN RTH (RIGHT TO BE HEARD) instead of asking 65 yrs old Queries……

Before a single line I write in this blog, Let me remind all that CLOCK IS TICKING and Only BLOG that continue COUNTDOWN till RAPE LAW AMENDMENT is done and kicking criminals from political parties happen. Read

Now back to the point.
My suggestion to the crowd of RTH is not to ask such question whose answers are 65 Yrs old and mostly given by all politicians since Independence. Simply ask following 7 basic question that has REMAINED UNANSWERED by the politicians SINCE INDEPENDENCE :
  1. What is stopping Govt from passing legislation to KICK OUT the FAKE Raja Harishchandra type of LS/RS/VS members (WITH PENDING CRIMINAL CASES) from OUR COUNTRY’S SUPREME INSTITUTIONs like LOKSABHA / RAJYASABHA / VIDHANSABHA???
  2. What is stopping Govt from introducing QPA (QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT  that will enable any Govt. to reach the root of every scam at its very inception much before MEDIA reaches there) on HIGHEST CHAIRS of INDIA means MLA/MP/MINISTERS/Bureaucrats, specifically when CONCEPT OF PERFORM OR PERISH CAN APPLY TO PRIVATE/PUBLIC SECTOR, WHY CAN’NT BE APPLIED FOR THE HIGHEST CHAIRS OF INDIA??
  3. Why every activity of MLA/MP/MINISTERS/Bureaucrats are not reported to AAM AADMI thru QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) as happens in any office like a clerk report to his manager simply because its AAM AADMI who has appointed them and not the other way round??
  4. Why Political Parties should be hidden behind secrecy act as these parties are supposed to be DEDICATED SEVAK OF AAM AADMI who has every right to know the financials of these parties??
  5. How can an individual entering public Domain with an intention of serving AAM AADMI can be allowed to HIDE his financial data behind secrecy act as he becomes a representative of AAM AADMI handling AAM AADMI’s WEALTH to run the country. Hence, AAM AADMI has every right to know his ASSET GROWTH DETAILS???
  6. Why not bring all allowances inside the salary of these MLA/MP/Ministers who BYPASS Income Tax by showing a Peanut amount against SALARY and take home lakhs of rupees TAX-FREE money under the head of ALLOWANCES (right from LAUNDRY to CAAAR) whereas AAM AADMI has to pay for each PENNY they earn???
    If such practice allowed for MLA/MP/Ministers, then why AAM AADMI is deprived to enjoy the same benefit in their Salary structure where 20% will be taxable salary and 80% will be TAX-FREE ALLOWANCES???
  7. If above SECRECY ACT still protect PARTY and its Ministers, can we afford to have the LUXURY of spending CRORES in ELECTION PROCESS (and after coming to power allow CRORES to be LOOTED for paying back to these CORPORATE DONORS whose identity never get revealed, THANKS to the secrecy act protecting the parties and ministers) which could have been spent for providing 3 basic amenities to Crores of POOR FAMILIES who does not even have SANITATION, SHELTER and DRINKING WATER when MANAGING ELECTION PROCESS AT FRACTION OF THE COST is possible.
    Detail of this Cutting cost in Election process are available at  since 2011.

Note that above 7 queries strictly focus on our age old rotten governance system that allow LOOT to happen.

Jago Youth Jago!!!
PLEASE FOCUS STRICTLY ON ABOVE SEVEN QUERIES UNITEDLY IN RTH which will expose the TRUE COLOR of each party and their politicians in this platform just before our 2014 election!!!

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Issue is not who is giving or taking BRIBE, KICKBACK, COMMISSION – be it Italian or Swiss or American or INDIAN……

Before a single line I write in this blog, Let me remind all that CLOCK IS TICKING and Only BLOG that continue COUNTDOWN till RAPE LAW AMENDMENT is done and kicking criminals from political parties happen. Read

Finally, RAPE LAW AMENDMENT is done; NIRBHAYA no longer considered as HEINOUS crime as per our DESHBHAKT Law-Makers as at the time of GANG-RAPE she was not a MINOR; Be thankful to our DESHBHAKT Law-Makers for RE-DEFINING GANG-RAPE of MOTHER-INDIA:

Now back to the point.
Why even after 65 years of INDEPENDENCE , MY FELLOW INDIANs EAT RAT MEAT (as exposed in KBC) and DEFECATE in open air:
Thanks to our Media  whose continuous IGNORANCE to QPA and RP Act has saved these Politicians from QPA and acted as a CATALYST unawaringly to this entire LOOT process since Independence simply because none of the Media Honchos have ever created any DEBATE on imposing QPA on Highest Chairs of India nor they proposed for required amendment in age-old DRACONIAN RP Act,1951 that allow LOOT n GANG-RAPE of Mother-India in the hands of these VIJAY MALLYAs/NIRAV MODIs/DESHBHAKT NETAs/NIRBHAYA-UNNAO-KATHUA GANGRAPE criminals !!!
EXPOSING ANY SCAM – BE IT TELGI or 2G or CWG or Coalgate or MINING or LANDGRAB or CHOPPER – must be a prime job for media, but along with that Media need to be more pro-active and result-oriented in focusing at the ROOT CAUSE of all these scams which is same as the heading of this blog –
QLY Performance Audit : Missing Tool in Indian Governance for allowing Loot to happen!!!!!!.
Can we afford to blame a  petty thief or a Robber for committing theft or robbery after keeping our residence door wide open at night for theft or robbery to happen??
The very first question Police will ask why the hell we left our House door open for LOOT to happen?

Simillarly, why the hell our LEARNED TRP-Hungry MEDIA is not raising this same issue to the Govt (in addition to exposing the scam) as to why the HELL ALL GOVT, since INDEPENDENCE, awaringly keep country’s TIJORI WIDE OPEN for LOOT TO HAPPEN when ONE SINGLE PREVENTIVE MEASURE CAN NAIL THE COFFIN OF ALL SCAM or LOOT which is
QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on the whole bunch of MLA/MP/MINISTERS/Bureaucrats.
How can we target HONOURABLE Individuals like Anil Vastavde – Madhu Koda – Abhishek Verma – Reddy Bros for LOOTING country’s asset when our GOVERNANCE SYSYTEM (since INDEPENDENCE) allow left open LOOP-HOLEs exist for LOOT to happen???
Given an opportunity, who will not LOOT from Left open Country’s Tijori specifically when there is no preventive measure like QPA in place!!!
Myself will do the same too as
Anil Vastavde – Madhu Koda – Abhishek Verma – Reddy Bros have done, if I ever get an opportunity because I know there is no QPA to track my activity and moreover there are plenty of dainted and painted LS/RS/VS members with CRIMINAL backgrounds to protect me for obvious reasons!!!
It’s the same “NAUTANKI” going on since INDEPENDENCE by keeping the LOOPHOLE left open for every Govt (that come to Power) to LOOT AAM AADMI’s MONEY. Not a single Govt ever PLUGGED this LOOPHOLE as they all know that as and when they come to power, they can start LOOTING thru this channel in order to run their Party and face election expenditure amounting to thousands of crores!!!
In all my earlier blogs, the ROOT CAUSE were analyzed and I repeat here in snapshot once again for Media’s attention to focus on it.
Root Cause Analysis are as under :
  1. Any party or its Leaders will LOOT so long as they need to spend money for Elections. Hence why not reform the entire election process that will stop all UNNECESSARY expenditure resulting in Fair and Healthy Election without spending CRORES of AAM AADMI’s money and that too for electing CRIMINALS when we have failed to provide (since INDEPENDENCE) basic amenities like sanitation, drinking water for our rural masses.
    Detail of this Cutting cost in Election process are available at
  2. If MLA/MP/MINISTERS/Bureaucrats are sent to Power by AAM AADMI, then why the Day2Day activity of these Ministers get Confidential behind A/C Cabins of Parliament/offices immediately after they get elected?
    This is the biggest FLAW in the system that make these
    MLA/MP/MINISTERS/Bureaucrats completely UNACCOUNTABLE to AAM AADMI who appoint them to their ministry/office.
  3. Why every activity of MLA/MP/MINISTERS/Bureaucrats are not reported to AAM AADMI thru QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) as happens in any office like a clerk report to his manager simply because its AAM AADMI who has appointed them and not the other way round??
  4. Without any periodical PERFORMANCE AUDIT ON THEM, specifically when they have full access to Country’s Tijori (with Thousands of Crores) left wide open for LOOT to happen, how can Country’s wealth be protected from these LOOTERAHs??
  5. Above all, Once again TEAM ANNA’s demand of taking out CBI / CAG from Govt. Control get justified.
MORAL OF THE STORY : Still remain same as the heading of this blog – QLY Performance Audit : Missing Tool in Indian Governance for allowing Loot to happen!!!!!!

Friday, 1 February 2013

Why blame HONOURABLE Individuals like Anil Vastavde – Madhu Koda for LOOT and blame Joginder Singh of CBI for Inaction…

Before blaming HONOURABLE Individuals like Anil Vastavde – Madhu Koda - Joginder Singh, Let me go into DEEP INTROSPECTION as to what I would have done if I stepped into the same SHOES as theirs :

If I was in place of Madhu Koda- Anil Bastavade, I would have committed same LOOT (probably in higher degree as they are KIND ENOUGH to consider AAM AADMI and LOOT only 4000 Crores!!!) as I am neither GOD nor Kalyug’s Gandhi Bapu to RESIST TEMPTATION when I SEE COUNTRY’s TIJORI LEFT WIDE OPEN with 4000 CRORES awaiting to be LOOTED, if in remotest possibility I could have resisted, then someone else would have LOOTED, leaving me SUCKING MY THUMB- BETTER I LOOT!!!!!!!

If I was in place of Joginder Singh, I would have given the same SILLY / IRRESPONSIBLE excuses like short of Manpower to probe-have no access to Jakarta etc. simply because I cannot sacrifice my CAREER / PROMOTION just for the sake of nation getting LOOTED and what’s new about it ???
Since last 65 YEARS Highest Chairs of India had AWARINGLY denied to impose QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on their very own activity, leave aside making CBI autonomous, then why myself being Chief of CBI risk my CAREER!!!
Now after above introspection, my appeal to the NATION and its Learned MEDIA :
Why always we target HONOURABLE Individuals like Anil Vastavde – Madhu Koda for LOOTING country’s asset when our GOVERNANCE SYSYTEM (since INDEPENDENCE) allow left open LOOP-HOLEs exist for LOOT to happen and take action only if MEDIA EXPOSE it ELSE Keep eyes closed and pretend to be UNAWARE of the LOOT ???
Why always we target DUTIFUL HONOURABLE Individuals like Joginder Singh of CBI for his INACTION when our GOVERNANCE SYSTEM (since INDEPENDENCE) does not allow him or his organization to ACT INDEPENDENTLY??? Simply because neither Joginder Singh nor any Tom-Dick-Harry under Govt Control will ever investigate such SCAM and risk his job profile that involve his career/promotion which are in the hands of the same Govt controlling such investigating agencies like CBI / CAG.
Above situation can be compared with following SCENARIO or I should call it a NAUTANKI :
A Bank Manager leave his VAULT open for LOOT to happen because there is a LOCAL PS next door (who can catch the thief if any LOOT happen) and seeing the vault open when MYSELF (can’nt comment about you as you may control your GREED but I can’nt) cannot resist my temptation and LOOT the VAULT and escape happily to INDONESIA swimming in a POOL, WHOLE NATION INCLUDING MEDIA POINT FINGER to MYSELF for LOOTING and the next door Officer-in-charge of LOCAL PS for allowing me to escape, THE MOCKERY/BIGGEST JOKE IS NOBODY INCLUDING MEDIA EVER BLAME BRANCH MANAGER FOR LEAVING HIS VAULT OPEN for LOOT to happen!!!

IS 65 YRS NOT ENOUGH FOR STOPPING SUCH MOCKERY/JOKE OF THE NATION and that too our Learned Media too chase me till INDONESIAN SWIMMING POOL , rather than exposing the MOCKERY/JOKE which can easily be averted by imposing QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Highest Chairs of India (right from MLA/MP/MINISTERS to Bureaucrats).

NEEDLESS to mention that in above NAUTANKI, MYSELF played the role of Anil Vastavde, LOCAL PS next door is none other than Joginder Singh and Bank Manager is none other than Our Hon’ble GOVT. of India.

This Incident further strengthen DEMAND for ONE SOLUTION to THOUSAND LOOTS (since INDEPENDENCE) which is imposing QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Bureaucrats to Highest Chairs of India (MLA/MP/MINISTERS). QPA will enable any Govt. to reach the root of every scam (provided Govt is willing to reach there) at its very inception much before MEDIA reaches there.

In all my earlier blogs, the ROOT CAUSE were analyzed and I repeat here in snapshot once again.
It is our 65 yrs old CORRUPT GOVERNANCE SYSTEM that keep country’s Tijori left wide open for LOOT to happen – the simple fact that No Govt since Independence had ever shown any interest to impose QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Highest Chairs of India (right from MLA/MP/MINISTERS to Bureaucrats) itself prove that all parties are very much interested in keeping this LOOP-HOLE open so that as and when they come to POWER they can continue LOOTING country’s ASSET in the same manner as the earlier ruling Govt had done.
MORAL OF THE STORY : Still remain same as the heading of this blog – QLY Performance Audit : Missing Tool in Indian Governance for allowing Loot to happen!!!!!!

TEAM ANNA’s demand get justified by exposure of CBI INACTION as reflect in Joginder Singh’s Interview……

Once again TEAM ANNA’s demand of taking out CBI / CAG from Govt. Control get justified .
Even a child know that without ACTIVE CONNIVANCE of GOVT, neither people like Anil Bastavade could have renewed his passport repeatedly at Indian Embassy in Indonesia NOR people like Joginder Singh of CBI would have coolly watching Anil Bastavade in swimming pool ?
Yet Evening Window session started in media with UNCONCLUSIVE arguments as to How Anil Vastavde was renewing his PASSPORT in Indonesia at Indian Embassy and yet EVADING arrest and why Joginder Singh of CBI failed to perform his duty???
Jago media Jago !!! Focus more on Mitigating Process along with EXPOSURE of Loot!!! Yes exposing such scam or LOOT is must but along with that MEDIA must focus on MISSING TOOL which could have prevented such LOOT from happenning and this MISSING TOOL is nothing else but QLY Performance Audit : The Missing Tool in Indian Governance for allowing Loot to happen!!!

Its Media's responsibility to bring such TOOL into LIMELIGHT which can prove itself as ONE and ONLY preventive solution to all SCAM/LOOT that happen so FREELY in Independent India since last 65 Yrs right in front of the NOSE of all ruling Govt who either PRETEND to be UNAWARE of it UNTILL some MEDIA expose it!!!